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I have never applied for an award, so when one comes my way, it really touches my heart. To think someone liked my site well enough to give me an award......well, it just amazes me!! Thank you from my heart. I will treasure each one!!

Franny's Place

I would like to be the 1st to present you with an award of many I know you'll receive. Congratulations! After viewing your pages, I would like to inform you that you have qualified for my Frannytastic!!!!! Award. This award is given to pages that express Love, Poetry and/or Spirituality, or just a Frannytastic!!! site. Hope you will enjoy your well-deserving award!
Love Ya' Franny :)

WOW!!! I'm speechless!!! My very own award!!! :)
Thank you, Franny, from my heart!!! I am very touched by your award!!! I love it!!!

~ Bobbie~

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Vie's Place

I love your page so much! Congratulations!!
You are a winner of the Vie's Award..


Thank you so much, Vie!!! I am truly honored!!! I am thrilled that you chose my site to give an award! Thanks again!!!


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Tennessee Memories


Bobbie, the first award from TN-Memories goes to your wonderful
We are proud of your work, and all of the time and effort that you have
put into your website, and the one for this list too.
You have been up to any ideas that we have come up with, and just done a
fine job..no, an excellent job...so take a bow, and put that award on
your website...okay??
< wild applause, stamping of feet, hooting and hollering, comes from the
cyber audience,,,"speech, speech!!!!>

WOW!! What can I say? You all have honored me, and I am at a loss for the words that I would like to say. When Nelda started TN-Memories, I joined because I had TN roots. Some of you knew each other from another list, but you took me in and made me feel like I had been around for a long time. You all have become really great friends, and to borrow a phrase from someone who sent me a poem; I'm glad I touched Keyboards with you!! I am deeply touched by your award. Thank you!


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Norma's Lee County Memories


To Bobbie, whose site touches my heart and warms my soul with blessings.

Norma, I am stunned!!! I am humbled by your award. It gives me great joy to know that someone has been blessed by something on my site, and therefore I am blessed also! Thank you from my heart.


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Ron's Flight Line

This Award is being bestowed to those that have shown me they care and
respect our nations servicemen. Those of the past, that have given all of us
all the freedom, liberty and the best life of any people on this earth. To
the present, that serve in all corners of the world so we and all others can
continue to have this great free life and to those that will give of
themselves in the future.

Thank you from my heart for your unending love and respect that you have and show towards all servicemen and women.
Awarded this 10th day of November 2000, the 225th birthday of my United
States Marine Corps.
Ronald A. Lay
USMC Retired

Ron, you have gone & done it!!! You have made me cry! I am truly honored that you chose my site for such an award. All Veterans have my deepest respect, and I accept this award with pride! I just don't know what to say! I will proudly display this award also on my Veteran pages!
From my heart, I thank you. You'll never know how much this means to me.


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Page Created 11/14/2000~Updated 12/14/2001