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A Child's Faith

"Jesus loves me, this I know,
      For the Bible tells me so"~
Little children ask no more,
      For love is all they're looking for,
And in a small child's shining eyes
      The Faith of all the ages lies.

And tiny hands and tousled heads,
      That kneel in prayer by little beds
Are closer to the dear Lord's heart,
      And of His Kingdom more a part
Than we, who search, and never find,
      The answers to our questioning mind.

For Faith in things we cannot see
      Requires a child's simplicity;
For, lost in life's complexities,
      We drift upon uncharted seas
And slowly Faith disintegrates,
      While wealth and power accumulates.

And the more man learns, the less he knows,
       And the more involved his thinking grows,
And, in his arrogance and pride,
       No longer is man satisfied
To place his confidence and love
       With childlike faith in God above.

Oh, Father, grant once more to men
        A simple childlike Faith again;
And, with a small child's trusting eyes,
        May all men come to realize
That Faith alone can save man's soul
        And lead him to a Higher Goal!

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

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Page created 7/11/2000