Me My Flowers While I Am Living
"Give me my flowers
while I am living"
Said Grandma and Grandpa D.
I was not even seven but I understood
As my Grandma explained it to me.
She did most 'the talking
'Bout things of importance,
And I listened with all of my might;
Then Grandpa would smile and say
"Don't you forget it,
Your Grandma is always so right!"
She sometimes would mention
How people give "flowers"
Like a nurse who so gently gave care;
That otherwise would have been painful,
If loving compassion weren't there.
"Flowers" were sometimes delicious
Like a casserole, pie, or cake,
That a neighbor had gotten at market
Or taken the time out to bake.
A lady who came by to read to them
When their eyes began growing weak,
The mailman who often checked in and then
He stayed just a moment to speak.
Sometimes with the pictures that we had drawn,
We children gave "flowers" as well;
Some with notes or cards they both cherished,
('though lots of the words were misspelled.)
My Aunt who would come by to braid Grandma's hair
Just the way that she'd wanted it done;
And my Uncle, each morning, helped Grandpa to shave-
These were "flowers" from a Daughter and Son.
Many years have gone by, but daily I try
To give flowers to folks that I see;
I feel it's a tribute to those that I love
For instilling these values in me.
© Kathie Dillon Kellar
To write Kathie, just
click on her name. To visit her website, just click on the flower below. Kathie, thank you
so much for letting me use your work! May God Bless you!
I would like to dedicate
this page to my wonderful Grandma & Grandpa Bridges.
When I read that poem, it
reminded me so much of my grandparents. I was so fortunate & blessed to have the
greatest! They believed in letting folks know how much they appreciated them, and they
were constantly "giving flowers". Although they were poor in material things,
they were as rich as could be when it came to friends and family. The Bible says in James
2:8; ~If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself, ye do well: ~ They sure lived that verse well! They fed many a hungry
kid running up & down that "holler" they lived in. No one ever went away
hungry when visiting them. And they would have given their last dollar to someone in need.
I miss them so much, but I will see them again some day!
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Font used is Murray Bold
Created March 27, 2001