I'm dedicating this page to all my many friends; some I've known for a long time, and many I have met over the Internet in the last few years. You all have been so kind to me and have really become special friends. The words to this song tells what I wish for you!
May you
always walk in sunshine,
Slumber warm when night winds blow;
May you always live with laughter
For a smile becomes you so!
May good fortune find your doorway,
May the bluebird sing your song;
May no trouble travel your way
May no worry stay too long.
May your heartaches be forgotten,
May no tears be spilled;
May old acquaintance be remembered
And your cup of kindness filled:
And may you always be a dreamer
May your wildest dream come true
May you find someone to love
As much as I love you
(May your heartaches be forgotten)
(May no tears be spilled)
May old acquaintance be remembered
And your cup of kindness filled
And may always you be a dreamer
May your wildest dream come true
May you find someone to love
As much as I love you!!
Here are some of my friend's sites. Won't you pay them a visit? I'm sure you will enjoy their sites!
Miracle Of Friendship
There's a miracle called "Friendship"
That dwells within the heart
And you don't know how it happens
or when it gets its start...
But the happiness it brings you
Always gives a special lift,
and you realize that friendship...
Is God's most precious Gift!
Is A Blessing"
Friendship is a blessing -
It's the best you have to share,
The talents and the wisdom,
The capacity to care...
It's being there to lend support,
Whatever needs arise,
It's making sure that others know
They're special in your eyes....
Friendship is a blessing,
And, to all who have a friend,
It's one of the most precious gifts
That life could ever send.
~Arthur Unknown~
I would like to personally thank Ed of Ed's Country Memory Lane for my request of "May You Always". That song has special meaning for me!! Pay Ed a visit! I'm sure you'll love his site!
Font used is Brush Script
Page Updated on July 17, 2001