President - Leon Tirrell          Vice President - Keith Kaczenski    Treasurer - Robert Tencati       Secretary - Jeff Kingsbury

Don Shebell, Steven Teronzo, Tim Currier, Mike Smead,
Steven Smead, Dennis Tencati, John Thorndike, Larry Dennett,
& Ed Demers
Meeting Minute Updates - August 15, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:31 by Vice President Keith Kaczenski.  10 Members were present.

Secretary's Report: Jeff Kingsbury read the Secretary's report.  We presently have 73 memberships.  28 Family & 43 Singles.  Motion to accept was made by Mike Smead and seconded by Steven Smead.

Treasurer's Report: Robert Tencati gave a history of deposits and withdrawals of the accounts.  A motion to accept was made by Steven Smead and seconded by Dennis Tencati.

OLD BUSINESS:  We Need all sold and unsold raffel tickets returned.  Jeff and Leon will be calling all members to make arrangements to return them.

Planning for the annual picnic is in full swing (or at full draw), We have many prize donations for the shooting games.

We are still looking for a large storage container or building for the club grounds.  We would like to install this unit in the spring.

Mike Smead volunteered to take pictures at the family picnic.

1.  New tee-shirts and Sweat-shirts are available by order only from Bob Tencati.
      These newly designed
50th Aniversary shirts will only be available this year,
      so be sure to get yours today.

2. Tree Committee:  Jeff Kingsbury reports that there are a couple of trees that need to              come down before we put the new storage building up.  All members present agreed              to remove the trees in question.

3. Team A & B:  Bob Tencati suggested that we bring back the team A & B event.  All                 members present were eager to participate, so it was decided to start it up again.  The          team captains are Bob Tencati & Jeff Kingsbury.

How this game works:  All club members are eligible to play.  If you would like to play you should contact Bob Tencati or Jeff Kingsbury.  You will be asked to put $10.00 into the kitty and your name will go into a hat to be drawn for a team.  The total weight of deer taken during the 3 Mass deer seasons will be added together to decide the winning team.
              You must sign up by October 10th if you want to play.

Your team captain will give you a call and inquire about the weight of your deer when the final talleys are made, the money will go to the loosing team to use to prepare a barbecue type meal for the winners at the club in the spring when weather permits.  This game is great fun and it gives us a chance to swap hunting stories and show off new pictures.
Jeff or Bob should be available at the club most every Friday night.  You can aslo sign up at the
family picnic on September 20, 2008.

The next meeting was scheduled for Sept 19, 2008 at 6:30pm at the Club.

Motion to adjorn meeting was made by Steven Smead and seconded by Dennis Tencati.

Please Note:  The above information are highlights from actually meeting minutes.  For further information contact Secretary, Jeff Kingsbury.
This web site is updated and maintained by Vice President, Keith Kaczenski.   All information and inquiries can be e-mailed to