The Greek Font Foundry

Note: I have recently become aware that traffic on this site has caused it to excede geocities' hourly quotas.  I have temporarily removed the graphics from this site to alleviate the problem.  I will soon move the actual file to an alternative site.  In the meantime, if you encounter problems, please try again in an hour or so.

Porson 0.8 Beta released!

Please try out this beta version, and let me know of any errors you find or improvements you would suggest for the Greek characterset. Please note that the Latin character set is not perfected or complete.

Porson is based on the famous typeface which was originally cut from a transcript of Euripides' Medea in the hand of the preeminent nineteenth century classical scholar Richard Porson, of Cambridge.

Download Now!

Unfortunately and due to circumstances beyond my control, the font "Georgia Greek" will no longer be distributed in any form.

Meanwhile, for writing classical Greek in Windows 95/8, I still recommend Ralph Hancock's Antioch Greek Utility for Microsoft Word 97/2000. Several other utilities are also available (UKeys, Polytonistis).

Suggestions, Questions,or Comments? Please contact me at