Made Peach Jelly 2
Adapted from
Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery.
Using juicy stone free peaches, pare and quarter
Scald them in a shallow pan of water, drain
and mash them, not quite like potatoes, leave
some chunks.
Drain off the Juice and pass it through a
jelly bag.
For every pint of juice allow a pound of
sugar, and some of the kernels {or pulp}.
Having broken up the kernels and boiled them
by themselves for a quarter of an hour in just
as much water as will cover them, strain off the
water, and add it to the juice that you passed
through a jelly bag.
Mix the juice with the sugar, when it is
melted, boil both together about fifteen
minutes, till it becomes a thick jelly.
Skim it well when it's boiling.
Test for jelly setting point
point is reached when the boiling liquid begins to clots. There
are various ways to check for setting.
1.} Dip a long wooden spoon into the pan and hold it up so you
can see the liquid run off. If it starts to form flakes as it drops,
setting point has been reached.
2.}Pour a spoonful of the hot mass on to a plate and refrigerate
for 10-15 minutes. Push the edges of the jam with your index finger,
it is set when it all wrinkly and crinkly. Always test for setting
point at the time the recipe suggests, if not set continue to cook
checking every 5 minutes. Don’t overcook.