
Green Witchcraft

Merry Meet and Welcome to Green Witchcraft, cyber home to Green Witches!

The Green Witches list is open to all Witches, Wiccans and friends who work or would like to work extensively with herbs for magical and/or medicinal purposes. This is a high volume list with many recipes exchanged for lotions, potions, brews, charms, spells and magical crafts. We discuss any topics related to herbs, such as healing, the Wise Woman Tradition, gardening, creating/growing a magical garden to using herbs as simples, sachets, amulets, incenses or scented oils in practical and effective ways of magic. Join us as we walk the path of the Green Witch. To subscribe to Green Witches, click the link below which will take you to Yahoo Groups to sign up.

What is a Green Witch?
*Green Witches are allied with the green growth of the Earth.
*A Green Witch's heart is as green as the heart of the Earth.
*A Green Witch weaves the ways of the green nations with the ways of humans.
*A Green Witch understands everyday magic.
*A Green Witch creates green magic: heals with common plants, simple ritual and compassionate care.
*The ways of the Green Witch are individual and water like; each personal stream joining the one ocean of love.

A Green Witch is a woman of power,
whose religion is her life,
whose life is her art,
and whose art is the wise use of the green.
~Susun Weed

A blossoming Green Witch am I,
With plant wisdom and magic to share.
A child of the flowers am I,
With blossoms budding from my hair.
A friend of the Fairies am I,
A crown of leaves and flowers I wear.
A daughter of the Earth am I,
Walking Her ways with feet ever bare.
A sister of the waters am I,
Flowing wild and free without a care.
At one with the blowing winds am I,
Singing softly through the midnight air.
A keeper of the fire am I,
Let me kindle your passions if you dare.
Connected in Spirit with You am I,
Fused together as one in prayer.
Copyright © 1992 Oceanna de la Mare

The information contained within these pages is a compilation from various sources with most of it having been posted to the Green Witches list. Where possible I have noted the source or listed it as unknown when it is so. If there is any information on these pages of which you are the author and you would like it removed or credited to you then please let me know. It is not my intention to infringe upon copyright, only to share knowledge.


A Green Witches Garden

Spells & Charms

Potions & Brews


Weather Lore

Natural Beauty


The Green Witches Spell


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