Daughter Julia

A Julia update...
The Nutcracker is here!  The Greensboro Ballet's production is scheduled for December 11 and 12 and all that hard work is about to pay off.  This promises to be a banner year for The Nutcracker.  Julie is the lead soldier and is excited with the changes in this year's production.

Our daughter Julia Caroline is our pride and joy.  Julie has many interests and pursues each one with equal vigor.  High on the list is ballet.  Julie has been a student of the Greensboro Ballet since she was three starting with Creative Movement.  The photo on the right is from recital night last year.

Horses are also big on Julie's list.  Julie and friends Carrie and Melissa take riding lessons at Wattswood Farm.  They all enjoyed horse camp this summer learning to tend to their "own" horse for the entire week capped off by a show at week's end.  Julie hopes to soon participate in another show soon.

Between horses and ballet and middle school Julie tries to relax and enjoy playing with Nugget our dog.  Nugget was the family pet of friends but when they moved there was no room for Nugget.  So Nugget came to live with us and our dog Teddy.  They lived happily in our backyard together until Teddy decided, after fifteen and one half years, to become a traveling man.  Teddy walked away and was never seen again.  We miss him to this day but he will always be alive and happy to us because we never saw him otherwise.  Nugget on the other hand likes to tour the neighborhood but returns.  She has many human friends, mostly kids.  The kids in the neighborhood love it when Nugget greets them at our door.


Julie and friends Carrie, Laurel, and Jenna recently attended the Backstreet Boys concert in Charlotte.  They all are waiting for the opportunity to see them again this time in Greensboro.

Julie, like her parents, is a big Carolina fan!  And since her parents are too bashful to do it they make her pose for all the pictures like this one with the "Voice of the Tarheels" himself, Woody Durham, on Fan Appreciation Day 1999.  Thus far this season it is one of the few bright moments to the football season.  Click below and check out Carolina's Official Athletic website and see why God made the sky Carolina Blue!!
