<BGSOUND SRC="music.mid"> > In Memory


O God, our Help in Ages Past,
our Hope in Years to Be,
Look down upon this PRESENT
and see our need of thee-

For in this age of unrest,
with danger all around,
We need Thy hand to lead us
to higher, safer ground,

We need Thy help and counsel
to make us more aware
That our safety and security
lie solely in Thy care-

make our way and purpose clear
And in our hours of danger
may we feel Thy presence near.

Author Helen Steiner Rice

Below are other Memorial graphics that were sent to me.
You can visit their sites by clicking on the graphic.


If you would like my Little Angel Bear and/or a quilt square
to show your support to the thousands of victims, their
families, rescue workers, medical personnel, and all of America please e-mail
me and I will be glad to send them to you if you have a
family friendly site.

This is a no-right click zone.
Nothing on this page is for downloading. Graphics and backgrounds were
created by me, Gina. Memorial graphics are linked to their sites.
No-right click code provided by Dynamic Drive.
Page created on Sept 20, 2001. Copyright 2001.