I would like to introduce you to Timothy Teddy my adoptable little bear who was made for
me by Mimika. He loves all living things and would like to explore the world by going to different
web homes around the world. If you would like Timothy Teddy to come and live with you just e-mail
me. There are a few things that are required tho. First and formost you must promise to love him and
give him a safe home. He is just new to the world so that is very important. By the way, he just
loves honey *S* but then what bear doesn't.
The other requirements are as follows:
1) You must have a family friendly site. No profanity, racisum, etc. Young children should be able to
view your site.
2) Your site must give credit where credit is due.
3) The logo I send must be placed on the same page Timothy is on. The logo should be linked to http://mika104.tripod.com/index.htm and Timothy should be linked to http://www.oocities.org/greetings88/index.html
4) Timothy should be placed on a page where there is a no-right click zone. This will protect Timothy from being taken from you.
5) Please do not alter Timothy or the logo in any way.
Now with that out of the way and if you would like to adopt Timothy just
e-mial me with your name, e-mail address, the URL where Timothy will be placed and the name
of your site. This is so I can come and visit him. Also the country your from would be nice too.
I'd love to know where in the world he is going. :-)
I would like to thank Mimikafor making Timothy Teddy
and allowing me to offer him for adoption. Without
her this page would not be possible.Thanks so much Mimika. :-)
No right click code provided by Dynamic Drive.