<BGSOUND SRC="music.mid"> Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on the 2nd Monday of October.
This year it is held on October 8th.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family and friends as I will.
Take care and God Bless... Gina


Let us give thanks
to the Lord up above
Whose blessed our lives
with his heavenly love

He holds us in
his arms so wide
He knows our deepest
thoughts inside.

He granted us blessings
as far as the eye can see
He's given us love,
peace, and tranquility

He gave us the sun,
the moon and the stars
Given us beauty
near and afar

Hope, strength and courage
he needs us to be
Thank you Lord
for our country that's free

Author Lawrie Severin
Sept.29, 2001

Thanksgiving Adoptions...

I received my Pocket Angels from my
October IOTN buddy, Lori



Nothing on this page is for download.
Poem was written by my sister and may not be copied in whole or in part.
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Page created on September 29, 2001
Copyright 2001.