The Naked Truth

Since I began walking this path, I have been directed to various web pages by a myriad Wiccans, witches, and self proclaimed high holy authorities from every walk of life. Here then is a collection of links to the pages I have visited, some are good, some are highly suspect, and others are just plain full of shit!

Please remember these are merely my opinions, you don't have to agree with them, nor even like them, however the First Amendment gives me the right to speak them.

Onyx Dimensions These people are just a bit too full of themselves. Their uneducated assumption that Wicca is nothing more than a mis-matched collection of diluted thelemic occult practices shows they really haven't a clue as to what Traditional Wicca is, nor have they ever experienced its beauty. For the most part, the traditional Witchcraft they talk about goes back no farther than late 1990 [that's when they must have bought a copy of 'Call of the Horned Piper', and read it until it wore out].
The Pagan Web [fomrerly Pandora's Pagan Web] They describe themselves as being "one of the Internet's longest-running Pagan web sites" and they may indeed have been online since 1996, but so have hundreds, if not thousands of others, and with much better design. They also describe themselves as "one of the largest repositories of information and services for the internet Pagan community" which was not evident by the site content. Always be wary when running into pages like this, those that try to make themselves sound like high holy authorities. This page is utter crap. Don't believe me? poke around and see for yourself. The proof is in the pudding, or lack therein .
Keep Wicca Traditional I actually like this site! If you read the Rants section, you'll see some lively ongoing debate unfolding, and to be honest I agree with the webmaster! At one time when someone told you they were Wiccan, you knew exactly what they were talking about, though of late Wicca has become so diluted, so undefined that when someone tells you they're Wiccan, they can mean anything from fly by night eclectic Wicca, to Native American practices. I think it's about time someone put up a page like that! kudos to the web master!
The Greens Review A very refreshing page that doesn't hold back. It is far more extensive in its reviews than my page is.
Wicca Power, an ode to Wicca This person claims to be a Wiccan of over 20 years, claims the titles of a Shaman and a High Priest, and has apparently seen the Craft one time too many. Unless you like waiting for a page to load [which this one spends an awful lot of time doing], don't waste your time. Save yourself the time and headache [just too much movement and pop-ups coupled with a bright yellow back-ground], and go purchase a Cunningham book, it will be easier to read and the content will be exactly the same.
Pagan Portals When I first met the owner of this site, she was claiming to be 3rd degree Gardnerian High Priestess, which was proven to be a lie (that should have been my first warning right?). Well, she also warned me away from an online group that I was interested in because she said "they manifest some of the signs of cult control", well after hearing some disturbing stories from an ex-partner of hers, and indeed witnessing how she tried to control her roommates life, I and many others have come to the conclusion that this is someone who is exhibiting the true cult behavior and should be avoided at all costs!
Why Wiccans Sucks This is another piece of work! While some of what this page has to say is right on the money, it was obviously created to cater to those failed self proclaimed wanna-be wiccans who read a book or two and couldn't blast thier enemies with lightning bolts. Perhaps the web master is one of those failed, self taught two book tarts. From reading their 'story', it's plain to this Witch that they have never encountered a real Wiccan in their life. If you want a good laugh this page has a guestbook that will leave you rolling on the floor!
Oldenwilde Traditional Wiccan Coven I'm still not sure what to think of this site. While they call themselves a Traditional Wiccan Coven, there is little or no evidence of such, no mention of what Tradition they are initiates of, and nothing that really set them apart from all the other pages I've seen. I'm inclined to believe they are more of those book learned types with no connection to any real Wiccan. Though I will admit that layout of the site was pleasing to look at. [apparently they don't know that word Rede means to give counsel to, or to advise, it does not mean RULE]
Witch's Brew The idea behind this large site is good one, though the information offered is a bit too sugar coated for my tastes, but all in all it's a great place. If you're a beginner this is a must see site! They offer mailing lists, web rings, link exchanges, the whole blooming enchilada! I don't know him personally, but I have heard that the web master is a really nice person.
A Mystical Grove This is a very annoying page. The opening statement "This site has been developed to be the ultimate Earth Spirituality location on the World Wide Web" is simply not true, or put differently, it failed miserably to achieve its goal. While browsing the individual pages, I got the the feeling that I was in an over crowded elevator. If you have a fast connection and need to waste some time before going to work this place is the site to go.
Silver Ravenwolf I believe this person to be a menace! Any Pagan author that deliberately targets children so they can fulfill their contract in order to make a buck is beneath contempt! It is our duty as parents to teach our children if and when we see fit, not some ego inflated, dime a dozen Llewellyn contract author! I firmly believe she is doing the pagan community a great disservice by targeting our children!

Nitewing's Lair A very interesting and colourful page! As the web master points out, he is a Witch, so I can overlook his inaccurate page on Wicca [Wicca is not centuries old, not all Wiccans follow the Rede and why should they?, it wasn't published until the mid seventies]. I also don't know where he got those 'Laws Of Power' from, perhaps he was thinking of the Laws of the Craft?. All in all, it's still a good page to visit.
The Amateur A very unremarkable page, content is fairly standard, it's all been plagiarized from other sites.
Living Tree Grove An absolutely wonderful page! I can't praise this graphic artist enough! Robin Wood is the creator of that awesome image 'Chalice of Light'! If you are using any of her work on your Web page, please do the right thing and give her credit.
Our Lady Of Enchantment I'll be blunt with this one. If you really want to spend $978.00 to get a piece of paper that means absolutely nothing, then by all means do so. The only one who will receive any benefit from this "SEMINARY OF WICCA" is the person receiving your check. If you are really interested in learning about Wicca, or some other pagan based religion, check around, ask questions, and never send a stranger money for something you can get at a local shop at a fraction of the cost.
Moira's Witchcraft Page I rather enjoyed this page, the only flaw to it was the intense graphics, very slow loading if your using conventional dial-up. Other than that, this is another pag that is well worth a visit.

There have been seekers of truth.

This page was last updated on June 22, 2000

Email and Guestbook deleted because some people just can't handle criticism, or the truth.