AN EXCURSION ON HOUSTON METRO RAIL A train is ready to depart Fannin South Station at the southern end of the line. The trains are the long nose variant of the Siemens S70 model with couplers hidden within the nose. Virtually the entire line follows city streets. The light rail line generally has its own reserved right of way; however, the right of way is shared with motor vehicle left turn lanes at six intersections in the vicinity of the medical centers. At these intersections, the light rail vehicles do not have signal priority and must wait at traffic lights just like motor vehicle traffic. At several intersections north of the medical centers, the traffic lights turn red for motor vehicle traffic in all directions when a light rail vehicle is passing.
Parking at the Fannin South park and ride lot is $3 per day. A one-way ride on the line is $1.25. Tickets are subject to inspection by roving inspectors. Even though one ticket is good for two hours, it is technically valid for just one travel direction. I decided to be honest and bought separate tickets for each direction even though my total trip time was well under two hours. The interior follows the conventional "two bedrooms and a bath" arrangement for low-floor LRVs. About 70% of the floor is at the low-floor height. There is a step up at the ends to high floor segments over the powered wheels. There is a drivers cab at each end. The middle section of the LRV is an articulation segment that rides on unpowered wheels. Knee room is a bit tight for any passengers in the outboard seats at the ends. Trains occupy both sides of the platform at the northern end of the line at UH-Downtown Station. The travel time for the full length of the 7.5-mile line is approximately 30 minutes, which gives an average speed of about 15 mph.
Window reflection self portrait. The train arrives back at Fannin South. The machine on the left is for light rail tickets. The machine on the right is for parking tickets. A last look at the train.