Greetings friend,
Hi, I love playing tricks on people with a good sense of humor... You do have a good sense of humor right? You had better because it makes me mad when people don't have a good sense of humor. There are two people you don't want to make mad, Bill Bixby and me. Don't believe me? These are the Icons or files that I see on you desktop RIGHT NOW
( I don't waste my time lookin' at Macs ...... Sorry :-) Do I have your attention now? Don't worry, I can tell by your file contents (that you thought were secret) you're a fun loving person also. Maybe you really should consider making a few resolutions and cleaning up your act a little though? That's between you and the one true living God. By the way, God is really the one you don't want to make mad. Do you know there is a way to gain eternal favor with God? Start with the verse below and contact me by E-Mail for more information
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