General McCausland had a plan.

Most of you who are knowledgeable about the history of our war against the invasion by the United States are familiar with the name of "Tiger" John McCausland. The true sons of Virginia spoke his name in awe as the "Savior of Lynchburg" for his tenacious stream of constant attacks as he threw his little band of 1300 against an enemy army of 15,000 again and again until he brought them to a virtual standstill, saving the city. To the enemy, he was the "Hun of Chambersburg" for his daring raid that carried the fire of retribution North of the Mason-Dixon Line.
What most people don't know about is his plan. The main reason is that, even though the McCausland plan was frequently alluded to and discussed, as far as is known, it was never set to paper. He suggested that, if the Confederate forces were pushed out of an area (in that particular case, the Western counties of Virginia), those remaining behind would apparently fit back into the conqueror's society, but, in reality, would work underground and behind the scenes as a sort of "fifth column" to prepare and maintain the way for the Confederate Forces' return.

I submit that
we are that fifth column, and that it's up to each and every one of us to prepare the way for the return of the Confederacy.

It is up to us - to every man and woman who considers themselves to be Southern Nationalists - to prepare the way for the eventual ressurrection of our nation: the Confederate States of America. That doesn't mean that it's automatically time to start shooting again (Not yet, or at least not normally); that wasn't part of the Tiger John's plan. Instead, it is our duty to be secret agents for Dixie, doing whatever we can to simultaneously smooth the way for our country's rebirth, while at the same time being the grit in the gears and the wrench in the works to our occupiers.

This site is intended to aid you in that course. It will provide a series of links and short articles for our fifth column, whether you're a politico, a guerrilla, an agent, or a saboteur...or a little of all.

Please take notice that, in order to maintain a web presence and keep out of jail, we can't recommend that you break the law, and we don't. Anything you see as your duty is your responsibility, and yours alone. I advise you to be familiar with your local legal system.

This site will scare many people who
should be part of us. The loud-mouths, the "internet warriors", the lazy, the profiteers, the closet Republicans and Unionists, the self-aggrandizers, and the panty-waists will be quick to condemn it. They will squeal that now is not the time to do anything controversial, when what they actually mean is that now is not the time to do anything. That attitude has been a cancer in the South for far too long. Patrick Henry addressed it during the first Revolution:

"They tell us, sir, that we are too weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and a British guard is stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of decisive resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies have bound us hand and foot?"

Of course, most of our "leaders" prefer to ignore such advice, preferring to perform innoccuous and safe acts of vague symbolism rather than do anything substantial. "Lives, fortunes, and sacred honor are, to that type, no more than a lip-service to the public to get membership dues and book sale proceeds into their pockets, and a boost into their egos. As General Robert E. Lee put it,

"Our people have thought too much of themselves and their ease, and instead of turning out to a man, have been content to nurse themselves and their dimes and leave the protection of themselves and their families to others...This is not the way to accomplish our independence."


PAGE 1: Permanent flag raising, Guerrilla Graffiti

PAGE 2: Guerrilla Graffiti, War in the Jury Box

PAGE 3: Getting Power, Beating Flag Stick Bans

PAGE 4: Self Defense, Sign Savvy
    PAGE 5: Campaign Sabotage, Stinking it Up

PAGE 6: Forrest's Art of War, "Confederate         Karate"
PAGE 7: Protecting you private purchases       from   big brother's prying eyes
   NEW PAGE BELOW! UNDATED 20 MAR. '03!          PAGE 8: How not to get caught!
