***Paul Temple - Abroad***
Radio Television Books Films PT - Abroad Send for Front Page Men
News of Curzon Madison Gilbert Spencer Conrad Lawrence
Geneva War Years Vandyke Alex      

First uploaded. 17 Aug 2000. Most recent update on Holland & Belgium September 13 2001

Paul Temple in Germany

thanks to Berthold Josephs & Bernd Wichert for their help with the details.

    Paul Temple and Steve have proven to be very popular in non English speaking countries - especially in Germany where a lengthy run of adaptations in parallel with the English stories started in 1949 with 'Paul Temple und die Affäre Gregory'.
    Between 1949 and 1968, Twelve stories were completed. The mainstays of the series were Director - Eduard Hermann who worked on all serials, and actor René Deltgen who starred as Paul Temple from 1949 till 1966, only missing the final "Alex Affair".

The stories were produced by WDR (West German Radio), and are still broadcast on occasion. As all stories bar Gregory exist today they are sort after by German OTR fans.

01: `Paul Temple und die Affäre Gregory'.  1949.

02: `Paul Temple und der Fall Curzon'.  1951.

03: `Paul Temple und der Fall Vandyke'.  1953.

04: `Paul Temple und der Fall Jonathan'. 1954.

05: `Paul Temple und der Fall Madison'. 1955-6.

06: `Paul Temple und der Fall Gilbert'. 1956-7.

07: `Paul Temple und der Fall Lawrence'. 1958.

08: `Paul Temple und der Fall Spencer'. 1959.

09: `Paul Temple und der Fall Conrad'.  1959.

10: `Paul Temple und der Fall Margo'.  1961.

11: `Paul Temple und der Fall Genf' (Geneva). 1966.

12: `Paul Temple und der Fall Alex'. 1968.

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Paul Temple in Holland

thanks to Peter Schrama for the following information for Holland and Belgium.

Paul Vlaanderen is the Dutch name, used for Paul Temple; Ina is the Dutch name for Steve. As with the German series, a large number of Francis Durbridge's stories were translated.
   Paul Vlaanderen en het Media Mysterie (literal translation: Paul Temple and the Media Mystery) is an original story & a parody on the Dutch Paul Temple serials.
Note: Margo, Milbourne, Alex & the Media Mystery are all known to exist, but it is believed all the others no longer exist. 
First Broadcast: February 1939

Spreek Met Paul Vlaanderen en het Komt In Orde
(`Send for Paul Temple')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: May 1939

Paul Vlaanderen En De Mannen Van De Frontpagina
(`Paul Temple and the Front Page Men')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: April 1940

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Z-4 Mysterie
(`News Of Paul Temple')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: February 1946

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Rex Mysterie
(`Send for Paul Temple Again')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: October 1946

Haal Paul Vlaanderen Er Weer Bij
(`Send for Paul Temple Again')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: April 1947

Paul Vlaanderen Contra De Markies
(`Paul Temple Intervenes')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: November 1947

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Gregory Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Gregory Affair')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: October 1948

Paul Vlaanderen En Ina
(`Paul Temple And Steve')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: February 1949

Paul Vlaanderen Grijpt In
(`Paul Temple Intervenes')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: November 1949

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Sullivan Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Sullivan Mystery')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: October 1950

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Curzon Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Curzon Case')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: January 1951

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Madison Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Madison Mystery')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: September 1951

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Van Dyke Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Van Dyke Affair')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: January 1953

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Jonathan Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Jonathan Mystery')
Director: Kommer Kleijn
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: 30 September 1962

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Margo Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Margo Mystery')
Director: Dick Van Putten
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: 2 January 1966

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Milbourne Mysterie
(`Paul Temple and the Geneva Mystery')
Director: Dick Van Putten
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: 7 January 1969

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Alex Mysterie
(`Paul Temple And The Alex Affair')
Director: Dick Van Putten
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Francis Durbridge 
First Broadcast: 1985 (re-transmitted 5 April 1998)

Paul Vlaanderen En Het Media Mysterie
Director: Tomas Ross
Broadcast by AVRO
Author: Tomas Ross
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Nick Holland in Belgium

As Peter Schrama explains, while not directly related to Francis Durbridge, he is a near relation of Paul Temple.

The Nick Holland serials were a Belgian reaction to the (Dutch) Paul Vlaanderen serials, Vlaanderen is a province of Belgium, hence the choice of name Nick Holland. The description of the main character in the Nick Holland serials (Nick Holland, of course), is exactly the same as the description of Paul Vlaanderen (i.e. Paul Temple), a professional writer and a detective as hobby). His wife (Ellie), is somewhat the opposite of Ina (Steve). Ina is portrayed in the Dutch serials as a not too bright and not forceful woman, Ellie is bright and forceful. 

Broadcast Date not known.
Nick Holland En Het Bulldog-Mysterie
Director: René Metzemaekers
Broadcast by VRT
Author: Ronald Petterson 
Broadcast Date not known.

Nick Holland En Het Oldcate Mysterie
Director: René Metzemaekers
Broadcast by BRTN
Author: Ronald Petterson 
Broadcast Date May 1958

Nick Holland En Het Kolibri-Mysterie
Director: René Metzemaekers
Broadcast by VRT
Author: Ronald Petterson
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