Paul Temple  created by Francis Durbridge on BBC TV.
***The Paul Temple TV Series***

Television listing compiled by Ian Beard
Formatting by Greg Marshall. 24 July 2001.

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Francis Matthews interview
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Televison Series Three
10 January  - 11 April 1971
Episodes in Black are not known to exist; episodes in Red are preserved by the BBC in colour.

A BBC Production in Association with Taurus Films Gmbh Munich.
"Paul Temple" - Francis Matthews
"Steve" - Ros Drinkwater

Producer - Derrick Sherwin
Special theme music written by Ron Grainer

27; House Of the Dead  (10-1-71 )
Paul Temple receives a strange invitation to an abandoned house to investigate a five-year-old murder.
Writer .David Roberts     Director .George Spenton-Foster

28; Sea Burial  (17-1-71)
On a visit to Sweden, Paul Temple receives a mysterious summons that pitchforks him on to the trail of an ingenious and unusual crime.
Writer .David Roberts     Director .Ronald Wilson
29; Night Train 

Coincidence, perhaps? Or does the appearance of Freddie Price as a sleeping car attendant on the Temples' train have a more sinister significance?
Writer .Michael J. Bird    Director .Douglas Camfield
30; Corrida   

Bulls and Christian Martyrs. That's the toll throughout the centuries at the ancient arena in Aries. Is the bullring about to be used for another sport - like the killing of escaped criminals?
Writer .Lindsay Galloway    Director .Ken Hannam
31; Death For Drivers' Reasons

A quiet stretch of coastline holds all sorts of menacing surprises for Paul and Steve's yachting weekend.
Writer .John Lucarotti     Director .Ken Hannam
32; A Greek Tragedy   

Tragedy? Or a menacing conspiracy of silence? What exactly is going on in the small mountainside village in Greece? And what is the tie-up with those grim events as far back as the winter of 1944?
Writer .Lindsay Galloway    Director .George Spenton-Foster
33; The Specialists   

Strange people - Specialists. Bodyguard one day - the next Assassin. Very efficient and reliable to the man who pays him - first.
Writer .Michael Winder     Director .Eric Price
34; Has Anybody Seen Kelly?   

Very efficient these Intelligence Agents. Almost clever enough to conceal the truth from the Temples' as they make a surprise visit on an old friend in a small Riviera fishing port.
Writer .Dennis Spooner     Director .Eric Price
35; Requiem For A Don

Suicide? Or murder? Temple's investigation into the death of an old friend causes a lot of long faces in a famous Midlands University town.
Writer .Jeremy Burnham     Director .Christopher Barry
36; Motel   

Why should a lonely Scottish motel be the gathering point for a gang of criminals?
Writer .David Simon     Director .Simon Langton
37; Cue Murder!   

Tension and drama build up to a breathless climax as Paul reveals a murderer before a television audience.
Writer .David Simon     Director .George Spenton-Foster
38; Death Of Fasching   

Paul takes a strange partner at a Fasching Ball in Munich - and thereafter has to watch his step.
Writer .Wolf Rilla     Director .Viktor Ritelis
39; Catch Your Death   

Paul and Sammy between them track down a dangerous thief - and nearly catch a nasty cold!
Writer .Patrick Alexander    Director .Frank Cox
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