y todas las pequeñas hormigas están marchando
Veuillez permettre aux images de charger, ou vous ne saurez pas le plein plaisir qui est contenu en cette page. Père saint, vous l'aimerez.
My wife and I invent new ways to decide who'll be walking the dog.
Archaeologists are thrilled when an indian burial ground is discovered in designer Jean Paul Gaultier's backyard, but are disappointed with his decisions on what to do with the bodies.
Human rights advocates grow concerned as U.S. troops begin playing Creed records in Afghan villages.
Our lifelong dreams are realized as Sir Elton John and I switch jobs. He begins attending Congressional hearings and I go on tour with Billy Joel.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder goes on tour in support of his book Gerhard Schroeder on Gerhard Schroeder by Gerhard Schroeder. His one man show, I Am Gerhard Schroeder will begin on Broadway this fall.
Animal rights activists protest the use of modern explosive-tipped harpoons in bullfighting matches. "It's great," said matador Jose Locobufón. "Matches last about six seconds and the crowd goes home with armfulls of meat for dinner."
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan greets the newly elected Ambassador of Zambia.
Tackle speedskating makes its debut in British Columbia. "It's not curling, but I was fairly entertained," said one spectator.
Russia's U.N. Ambassador Sergey Lavrov tries his hand at stand-up comedy. "Little boy go to shoe shop and ask for shoes. Salesman ask, 'you would like what kind of shoes?' Little boy say 'one left, one right.'"
An aging David Lee Roth is forced to change his nickname to "Cubic Zirconia Dave." "I can still party at the level of a 32-year-old," said Dave.
A jury convicts Ohio Congressman James Traficant of taking bribes. Witnesses say Traficant hid over $400,000 under his hairpiece.
Animation company Rankin/Bass garners rave reviews for its new animated Christmas special, "How George W. Bush Saved Christmas."
Despite the recent addition of actress Christina Ricci to the cast, Fox cancels "The Columbo and B.A. Mysteries" due to sagging ratings.
Despite a few minor difficulties, I am quite satisfied with the cruise we purchased on Priceline.com. While the seemingly random stopover in New Guinea was unexpected, we found it a pleasant surprise and the water quite warm.
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