What Is Warhammer ?
For all you people who do not know what Warhammer is, this is for you.  I can only give you a basic idea of what Warhammer is.  Warhammer is a board game.  It is like chess, but you use dice to play out a round of battle.  To play you have to buy some troops from one of the two time periods (Fantasy and 40K).  These troops come from different races within your time period.  I have chosen Fantasy and I play with Wood Elves and Britoins.  The figures can be bought at a Warhammer store.  They are unpainted, so you can choose what colours they are.  Warhammer is a very complex game.  The rules are many, races have different strengths and weapons, and the roll of the dice determine the outcome of a move.  You need a rule book to properly play the game.

Enjoy my page!  If you have any questions/ideas/comments please
e-mail me.

- Gre The Mage

Here's another page that describes what Warhammer is a bit better than I do
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