
Click on the awards below
to visit the webpages of the people who bestowed them!  

Click here to see Petsburgh Leader Paula's Page!

Thank You Petsburgh
Community Leader Paula !

This was our very first award and we were very happy and proud to receive it.  It links to Paula's pages which feature Maxx, Sasha and Oksana.  Siamese and Balinese kitties!!  There are lots of links here...a really fun kitty site.

Click to go see Penny's site (a d*g).

Thanks Penny and Simba !

Warning: Penny is a d*g...
but her site is nice, and has emphasis on
caring for strays!

Click to go to Kay's Cats!

Thanks Kay's Cats !

Kay's Cats' site is delightful, and has MANY links to other personal cat sites, on her awards page !
Please click on Lucy and Ethel to visit them.

Go see the porno-cat-ic site.  Hot cats!

Thank you to the Eroticat Homepage !

The EROTICAT site is a definite "must-see" for all cat lovers.  Don't miss it! Click on award at right...
Don't worry, it is a family site...   :)

"Always Loving Cats"...the name says it all!

Thank you Chloe !

"Always Loving Cats" is a feline love extravaganza, featuring Chloe, a stunning white kitty, as well as
tributes to Ping and Toby.
Why not visit them? Click on the furrific award!

Visit Punkin.net!

Thank you Punkin !

Punkin.net is a GREAT site! 
A tribute to Punkin, Sherry's well-loved cat, and lots of good stories about her other kitties.
Sherry and Pedro also have lots of animal rights links.

Visit "Target Joy" Cat Page!

Thank you Buckwheat !

Please visit Target Joy's site, and read the (continuing!) saga of Buckwheat,
a testimony of love.
Also, DO NOT miss the fantastic pics of Ken's new kittens...Gizmo and Sapphire.  Adooorable!

Apply for a Catnip Award!

Thank you Caesar and Cleo (and Chicklet) !

This is a very special "Catnip award" bestowed by Caesar and Cleo.  It is special because it is the first award their new baby "sisfur" Chicklet was in on giving.
I am honored to receive it!  Click on the award to see how you can win your own Catnip award...

Thank you Cindy !

Try for a Heartwarming site award!

This is a JabulaniCat Heartwarming site award.  I am proud my site qualified!  Click on it to see how to get one of your own, and while you are there be sure to check out the pages of Cleo, Caesar, and newly rescued tiny Chicklet.  They are very sweet kitties who will be sure to warm your heart!

Click NOW to visit Sassy's site!

Thanks Sassy and Eugenia !

Wow, an award... and a prize for signing Sassy's guestbook.  Aren't they pretty?
Cat lovers: Go to Sassy's site!

Got this just for signing Sassy's Guestbook!
Visit Monday, the Meditative Cat!

Thank you Monday and CatAnna !

Monday, the Meditative Cat (you gotta go here), and his momma CatAnna bestowed these on me. 
I heartily recommend their site as well! 
Learn how to TRULY Meditate...like Monday.

For caring about kitties....
Please send us some mail! Home to Cara's Kitties Main Page! Click here to meet the Award recipients! More awards - Page 2