Lasgalen, Lady of the Great Hall of Pearls and Shells & Battle Strategist of Mirkwood |
Age: Approx 3350 by the time of the War of the Ring Race: Sindar Elf Heritage: Father is Minyaseregion, Mother is Quellehelediel, Sindar elves of Mirkwood Marital Status: Married to Lord Celebcúlin of the Grey Havens in the 3rd Age Children: None Occupation: Battle strategist, cartographer, linguist, and mariner Weapon: Long and short swords, bow, bo, knives, & tessen Description: 5' 10", dark brown hair and eyes, pale skin Means of Travel: Her swift sail ship, Manadh Sûl, & her horse of Rohan, Firenze Outfit: Preferrably dark leggings and tunic with a cloak, will put on silver and blue dress when necessary Enjoys: Reading the history of the races of Middle-earth, learning the geography of Arda, past and present. Speaking with others of the goings on in the land, practicing her weaponcraft, sailing the far reaches of the Sea, and horseback riding. Personality: Inquisitive, stubborn, and quiet Biography: Born in Mirkwood, Lasgalen spent most of her peaceful childhood reading every book in King Thranduil's vast library. She interests were in Elvish warfare, and she was consumed by the histories and geographies of the battles of Middle-earth. Knowing that few female elves were ever in command of an army, Lasgalen demanded training in a variety of weapons, especially the long and short swords, which she was never without thereafter. When she felt her training was exhausted in Mirkwood, Lasgalen begged leave of Thranduil and travelled throughout Middle-earth, mapping the land and learning from anyone that would teach her. In Rohan she became skilled in horse riding, to Gondor she went for further studies in the libraries of Minas Tirith, to Dol Amroth, where she became a skilled mariner, and in Imladris she listened to the endless wisdom of Elrond. In Imladris Thranduil's messengers found her in the year 1051, and bid her to return home. There, Lasgalen found the darkness of Dol Guldor had crept stealthily into her wood, and she swiftly developed the impenetrable defenses that kept the Caverns sound amidst the evil. Angered by the King's choice to send his own son into battle instead of her, Lasgalen bid her time in Mirkwood during the War of the Ring, holding the encroaching evil at bay until Sauron was defeated. When peace had returned, Lasgalen departed swiftly from Mirkwood, and went to Dol Amroth, land of her friend, Prince Imrahil. There, Lasgalen asked that a ship be built for her, a hardy one that could withstand the winds of the Great Seas. Imrahil councilled her to abandon the far West, saying that no ship could stand against the might of the Valar. But Lasgalen, in her determination to see and map the ancient places of Arda, paid him no heed, and sailed West, forsaking the Blessed Realm, and instead searching for Meneltarma, the sunken "Pillar of Heaven" of Númenore. After months at Sea, Lasgalen and her crew of Men and Elves had reached the Great Rift. Upon crossing, a storm of tremendous strength could be seen growing in the West, and Lasgalen, bowing to the might of the Valar, ordered the crew to turn back, but the storm was too swift, and fell upon her ship and sunk it. Clinging to a board of wood, Lasgalen floated amidst the waves for days, too bitter to beg for the mercy of the Valar. On the day that she knew was her last, Lasgalen lifted her eyes to see a ship flying towards her over the waves. Pulled from the ocean, she was kept and cared for by the captain of the ship, Lord Celebcúlin of Mithlond. Upon their return to the Grey Havens, Celebcúlin invited her to remain on the shores of the Gulf of Lhûn as the Lady of the Hall of Pearls and Shells. Accepting his invitation, Lasgalen commisioned a great white sail ship for him that would withstand any storm, Gaersereg, "Sea Blood" and an identical one for herself, Manadh Sûl "Blessed Wind". From the peace of the shores of the Grey Havens, Lasgalen frequently travels back to Mirkwood to assist Thranduil and his council, and to Imladris and Dol Amroth. |