"GREYHOUNDS LOVE RACING" is a group of people: breeders,
trainers, kennel operators, track employees, NGA representatives, racing
commission people, greyhound adoption representatives, and those who
understand that greyhounds love nothing more in life than running, chasing
and racing. We also appreciate the beauty of watching the dogs we love fly
around that oval track. We are dedicated to finding ways to promote
cooperation among the various components of the industry and with
Why? Because there are always numbers of people willing to
condemn the industry. Because there are always those who want to believe
the majority of racing greyhounds are mistreated slaves. Because there are
so many people who want to see the end of the NGA greyhound. Because so
many people have never seen a race, have never seen a dog farm or a race
kennel, yet they assume the greyhounds are miserable, mistreated animals.
Because it's about time those of us who love greyhounds and
want to see the NGA greyhound continue, and want to see racing continue
and flourish, to start telling the other side of the racing story.
What are our goals and objectives? First and foremost, we
hope to promote communication between all of those who are involved in
greyhound racing and adoption. We have all been playing in our own
respective playgrounds for too long, and ignoring the big picture.