John Wesley Hardin
The Gunslinger
John Wesley Hardin: Born May 26, 1853 in Bonham, Texas.
Died August 19, 1895 in El Paso Texas at the Acme Saloon.
He was shot in the back of the head by John Selman.
Buried in the Concordia Cenetery El Paso Texas.
Father;James Gibson Hardin Born in Wayne County Tn.
Mother: Mary Elizabeth Dixon.
Borther:Joseph Gibson Hardin.
Wife:Jane Bowen
Married: Feb 29,1872
Mary Elizabeth: 1873-1938
John Wesley: 1875-1931
Jane Martina:1877-1931
Callie :1891-1971*
He was said to the deadliest gunfighter in the west.
He was the fourth cousin once removed of John Henry Holliday"Doc"
He Killed his first man at the age of 15.
Stabbed a boy when He was 14 years old.
Met up with Wild Bill in Abilene wher he shot a man for snorning.
He wrote a book, The Life  of John Wesley Hardin as Written by Himself.
The book was published in 1896.
He was shot at about 11:00 pm. at the Acme saloon.
He was shooting dice with a  H.S. Brown, a grocer.
His last words were "You have four sixes to beat"
By His own account He killed over 40 men.
He served 16 years in Huntsville Prison for second degree murder.
While in prison he studied Theology for three years and was head of the Sunday School class, before he concieved the idea  of studying  law.
He was pardoned on March 16, 1896 from Govenor Jim Hoggs.
He was a Rebel sympathiser.
Hardin's only paying client while He was practicing law was Martin M'Rose.
Harding was having an affair with Beulah M'Rose his clients wife.
The cost for Harding's funeral was 77.50  paid for by Beulah M'Rose.
Hardin's buried only three graves away from Martin M'Rose whom many say
that Hardin had killed. Possibly paying a killer with M'Rose own money.
Hardin could shoot three holes in the center of a poker playing card at five long paces and
often did so selling the cards to the local people as souvenirs.
Was said to have gotten the nickname Little Arkansas from Wild Bill Hickok.
Hardin's Pardon click here to
See Document
              Information Resources
Texas State Libary and Archives Commission.
Time Life Book "The Gunfighter's"
Email The Rebel
Hardin's .38 .40 Colt
This Colt Pistol was given to William Tilgham, a Famous frontier lawman by John Wesley Harding before he died.  The gun is now located at the J.M. Davis Arms and Historical Museum where it is on display.
J.W. Hardin
The Gunfighter's