Wild Bill Hickok

James Butler Hickok
Troy Grove Illinois. la salle County
Born : May 27, 1837
Died: August 2, 1876
Buried August 4th at the Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood South Dakota
Mother: Polly Butler
Father:William Alonza Hickok
Oliver Ottis
Lorenzo Butler*
Horace Dewey
He had two sisters.
Celinda Sallie
Was named after his Grandfather on his mother's side.
Where He got the name Wild Bill is only speculation.
There was never any proof that He was ever married to Calamity Jane.
He suffered from Glaucoma which may have been the reason for the accidental shooting of his deputy.
He was a member of Buffalo Bills Wild West show for a short time.
He  was married to Agnes Thacker Lake on March 5, 1876.
Born Aug 24, 1832 Died Aug 21, 1907.
He was married in Abilene where He had met his wife earlier.
He did in fact kill David Tutt, his trial lasted for three days and 21 people gave their testimony.
He was represented in court by Colonel John S. Phelps a union vet.
His Father and young Bill hid slaves and helped them escape
His last words before being shot were: The Old Duffer  Broke Me. Speaking of Captain Massee who was playing cards with him.
Although it can't be proven the card hand that Bill was  reported to be holding was pair of Aces (1 Club and 1 Diamond) a pair of eight's (1 Club and 1 Spade) and the Queen of spades. A fellow by the name of J. Johnson was cleaning the table after the shooting and noticed the cards, suspecting that they were Bill's He picked them up and stuck them in his pocket.( They were later stolen from him)
He carried two .36 caliber Colts with 7.5" barrels. One of his guns was stolen at the time of his death and the other is on display at the Gene Autry Heritage Museum in LA California. serial # 138893.
As an Army scout in 1868 he rescued 34 men from an Indian siege in Colorado by riding thru the attackers to summon help.
He was a lawman in Hay's City and Abilene, killing four men in the line of duty.
He was a scout for the Union Army during the Civil War.
He was said to be the biggest liar in the West (Time Life Books)
In 1867 it  was reported in a news paper article by Henry Stanley (Doctor Livingston I presume) that Wild Bill had said  He would swear on the Bible that he had killed over a hundred men.
Bill was paid 150.00 a month for his services as Marshal of Abilene, and . 50 for every stray dog that He shot.
After He shot his friend Mike Williams Bill drank heavy and was even arrested for vagrancy.

                                          August 5, 1876 The head lines read:
   The assassination of Wild Bill, He was shot through the head by John McCall while unaware of arrest, trail and discharge of the assassin who claims to have avenged a brothers death in killing Wild Bill.
                                                          The Text read:
   On Wenesday about 3 o'clock the report stated that J.B. Hickok(Wild Bill) was killed. On repairing to the hall of Nutmall and Mann it was ascertained that the report was true. We found the remains of Wild Bill lying on the floor. The Murderer Jack McCall was captured after a lively chase by many of the citizens, and taken to a building at the lower end of the city, and a guard placed over him. As soon as this was acomplished a coroners jury was summoned, with C.H. Sheldon as foreman, who after hearing all the evidence which was the effect that, while Wild Bill and others were at a table playing cards, Jack McCall walked in and around, directly back of his victim and when within three feet of him raised his revolver,and exclaiming,
"Damm you take that,"fired, the ball entering the back of the head and comming out the center of the right cheek causing instant death, reached a verdict in accordance with the above facts.
Email:The Rebel
On To Billy The Kid
Lower Main St. Deadwood S.D.1877
                   The Badlands