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Pastel By Bob Quick
Come on into my den,meet me and my family. Set back and listen to the words of the spirits.My name is Greywolf, a spirit brother to the Wolf. Windrunner is my spirit guide,who speaks through me as his friend.My pages are being dedicated to the Wolves and Native Americans. Windrunner is saddened by the plight of his brothers and sisters. And wishes me to educate you on helping to save this proud animal.With are help we can maybe right some of the wrongs that have been done to both the wolf and the true Native Americans.
Let the spirit of the wolf guide you.
Please click here to meet my adopted MIA,one of our heros.
spirits have walked this path
Please click here to help our animals today,don't wait,get involved.
I'm a proud member of Wolf Mates. Click here and meet the pack.
This is one of my very best friends on the net,please go see some wonderful pictures from a wonderful lady. Thank you so much Carolyn.My spirit-mom.
This is a gift from one of my wolf sisters please go see a wonderful site from a wonderful lady. Thank you so much WolfLady.
Yet another gift from my wolf sister WolfLady you can have one made too just click on it to go there. Thank you so much WolfLady.
My Guardian Totem
This award was so great to get because it came from my friend and my wolf sis,thanks WolfLady.
A beautiful gift from my friend Janet
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