Fantasy Island Requisition Form

REQUISITION FORM C98(01) - STORY          9/13

Title:      SACRiFiCES
Author:     Christa
Rated TV-14 through M in the way of television;
R for all movies.
Rated above 15 in Europe.
All comments welcomed, send to Christa

For full comments and disclaimers, see Chapter One

"The last temptation is the greatest treason:
To do the right deed for the wrong reason."
- Thomas Stearns Eliot

"Men are generally more careful of the breed of their cattle and horses than of their children."
- William Penn


"Revenge is Sweet - especially to women."
~George Gordon, Lord Byron

Viola watched Prospero eat the meal that she put in front of him. She wondered why in the name of all the Gods did her mother choose him? She imagined what he looked like in her own time. Hopefully taller! There had to be something special about him for her narrow minded mother to fall so hard for him. She laughed to herself. Scath probably lost it over that smile of his. Please, Zeus...let him be more mature. 'A nice batch of common sense would do so nicely,' she thought to herself.

Vi looked at him, calculating the years before his life would come full circle. In another 5 years, he would be on 'The Santa Maria', dodging his brother Sebastian, making an attempt to hit the New World. Then the Gods would have him...and so would her mother. Vi couldn't take her eyes off of him.

This is what Trinia wanted her to do: start things up again. The island had been quiet for too long. Business as usual -- that's what the other scribes had wanted since the 1970s. It was time to shake things up, and ditch the white suits. What he needed on that island...was a really cute assistant. Someone who looked like she just stepped off the catwalk in Paris. Anything was better then those two idiots Cal and Harry that Ernest Hemingway had washed up on the beach years ago.

She thought of the rumors about another girl, belonging to Persphone the Destroyer. They said that the kid was another child of the keeper of Kronos Island. Vi thought more about it. Persphone's mother was Demeter, who was related to Gaia. She smiled at the thought. Just the other day, she heard that Gaia was looking to get rid of the Panorama Globe. It could give life to anything, and provide food...even in some place that was dead. The girl would be taken care of.

Ariel stood by the girl, reading her thoughts, not entirely sure how to start a conversation. For once in her existence, she was tongue tied.

Roarke had returned to the hotel, leaving Ariel to find her own path. This was a trip he didn't want to relive. In a way, she understood his reluctance.

Vi finally turned to Ariel, and tried to smile.. "By the way, anyone ever tell you to stay out of other people's minds? It's kinda rude." She turned back to Prospero. "Behave my love, and clean your plate. I'll be back."

He nodded and watched her push an unseen object into the back room.

Vi gently pushed Ariel into the storage area, and scowled. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to find out what happened," answered Ariel. She figured that she might as well be truthful with the girl. Roarke's kid would defiantly pick up on any lies.

Vi concentrated on her. "You're from...later, a full year later - right?" She looked at this woman, not knowing what to make of the entire situation. She frowned. "Bull, you're working for Hades," she declared. "Tell him the truth is out. I'm going home, and the only way he can stop is to kill me," and she walked out.

Ariel followed her. "I'm not working for Hades," she said, defending herself. "I...have a vested interest in knowing what happened -- I mean -- will happen to his kids. It's important."

Vi tried to read her thoughts. This lady obviously cared greatly; otherwise she wouldn't be acting this way. "His second born is a girl. Her mother's Persphone. I hear the girl's virtually ignored by her mother."

Ariel nodded. "How did Roarke find out about the girl?"

Vi leaned back against the bar, looking at the boy. He couldn't hear the conversation. "Rumor has it that Hades found out about a little tryst that Roarke had with he kidnaps and marries Kore before she had the kid. She becomes Persphone." She turned to Ariel with an air of bitterness. "Hades presents the girl to Roarke on 'Father's day'. Talk about wanting a neck tie right then and there."

"What about his first born?" asked Ariel, eagerly, wondering what kind of reaction she would get. This girl obviously knew who she was.

Vi turned to her, with tears in her eyes. "Oh, she's around." and with that she walked outside into the sun.

Ariel followed. "Come on, you started this conversation."

Vi turned around. "What does it matter? It happened. My mother trapped a really nice emotional vulnerable guy on an island. Why should I be a reminder of that?" She pulled a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it up. Ariel took it out of her hand, and tossed it into the water. Vi glared. "What are you? My mother?"

"I could help you if you let me," begged Ariel.

Vi felt her eyes go wet, but she wouldn't let herself cry. "I don't want another mother, lady. One was enough! I wanna go home."

Skye walked past the Fates as she emerged through the door back to the hall of truth. She walked past their sneering faces, ignoring their questions. All she could think was that Hades knew that she had finally been told the truth. He wasn't going to let those kids out of his clutches. Worse yet, He was going to take Iris out of Ariel's arms, just as he had done before.

As she walked along the corridor, Skye could feel her wardrobe changing from her usual jean shorts and white shirt to a Chitin of white silk fastened with a gold rope. The short skirt revealed her tanned legs. She passed a mirror and looked at herself: Messed up hair, no bra and panties, a creamy white cleavage. She pursed her lips into a satisfied smile. She never looked this good...even for her husband. "Where are you, Lord of the Dead? You're gonna finally get what you want."

The area around her materialized revealing caverns of sulfuric sprays. She walked past a flowing river of souls crying out for help. The shores of the River Styx...typical, she thought to herself. She walked into the throne room with no objections from anyone. Hades was
The Dread Lord Hades
working over a battle plan table. It was marked with charts of the island.

She walked up to him, and pushed the papers aside. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen?"

He was somewhat surprised to see her. Definitely surprised by her attire. "Skye, what an unexpected pleasure?"

She smirked. "I'm the last person you expected to see. Persphone wants you dead. Can't believe you were stupid enough to think that Chryse wouldn't show her those pictures."

She moved in front of him pressing her body up against his. "So sad, really," she frowned while saying this. "She loves you...Gods, know why."

Skye moved up on the table, raising her skirt as she did knowing that Hades would look. He did, not knowing what to make of this carnal show. "What's your angle, Skye?" he asked, reluctant.

She looked at him, as if hurt that he would be so hateful. "Why should there be any angle? Truth?" she asked, rubbing his crotch that was already showing evidence of his arousal.

He nodded and sighed with pleasure.

"I'm sick of being lied to by my brother. I'm a Goddess, and I know what I want. And Hades..." she said, putting her legs around him so that he could feel her nakedness against him. "You've wanted me for centuries, otherwise you won't have gone to all this trouble. So why not this once I let you have a taste of what you want?"

Trinia rounded the corner into 'Tracking', and stopped at the doorway. The room was crowded with several repair sprites. "What is this? We've got work to do, people."

Chryse stopped looking at the screen in total shock. "I think I should let you know that we lost the connection again."

She frowned. "Are you sure? You know it might be a loose wire."

Chryse took the remote control and hit the screen. "Ok, which one of them wrote that?"

The picture changed from a view of the island to show Hades and Skye entangled in the heat of passion.

Trinia looked at the screen, not totally surprised. "Maybe Jennifer lost her tape of 'Caligula'?"

Chryse shook her head. "Sterling's got rope. I'm thinking 9 1/2 Weeks definitely."

Trinia looked at the screen and then asked "Which one? Because I heard the first 9 1/2 weeks was really bad."

Hades spread her out over the table, undressing her carefully as if she were a present. In a way, to him, she was. He unfastened the gold rope, letting it slip to the floor for it had no other purpose.

Skye freed one of her hands from Hades grasp, and reached out for the rope. It jumped from the floor into her waiting hand.

He unwrapped the white silk from around her, and marveled at sight of her naked body. He lowered his finger to the area between her breasts, and ran it down her body to her vagina, cupping the area.

Skye gasped in pleasure, fighting to keep focused on what she initially was supposed to accomplish. She arched her back upward, and stared at him, intently. "Am I everything you wanted?"

He nodded mindlessly, incoherent with the just the pleasure of her breath against his skin.

"I want you, Hades." Her eyes staying on him. "Now!" She pulled the black suit jacket away from him, ripped open his shirt and ran her fingers through the wiry hair underneath. She pushed her tongue inside of his mouth, and sucked on it hard. He let her take complete control.

Skye took the rope and tied his hands behind his back, not at all surprised that he was letting her accomplish this amazing feat. She quickly undid his belt, letting the trousers fall on the floor, freeing his hard godly organ. "I want you inside me," she panted, not needing to pretend desire.

He entered her with such force that she felt as if she would be split in two, despite the feeling of complete exhilaration that enraptured her. As he started to move inside her, she grabbed his shoulders, and hoisted herself on his hips as not to lose the feeling. She once again kissed him passionately letting her tongue trace the inside of his mouth. He started to stumble backwards as she drove herself against him.

Both breathed in short panting gasps. She eyed his throne, struggled for a thought clear enough to cause them to land on it. They did. Skye finally surrendered to the sensation, driving herself to climax, crying out with the sheer ecstasy of it.

With only a moment's pause, she deftly wrapped the rest of the rope around his chest, binding Hades to his throne. When she tied the last knot, the rope turned into heavy chains.

Back at the travel agency Fisher and Clia looked at the TV, in shock. "Does Roarke know that his little sister..." Fisher asked, pointing to the screen.

Clia smirked, shaking her head. "I don't think it would have occurred to him to even ask."

"I see 'double cross' written all over this," he commented.

Clia nodded her head.

Skye backed off of him, making sure that his eyes never left hers. "Totally mine," she declared, enticing him to respond.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked, his voice deep with desire.

She smiled. "I'm gonna put my chitin back on, and find out what the hell you're up too," she said, and with that she walked over to the table to retrieve the silk material.

He struggled against the chains that tightly bound him to his throne. "You're just gonna leave me like this?"

She wrapped the material around her, and tied it at the end. Sky turned around and look at Hades, bound to his throne completely naked. "Maybe..." She smirked at his shocked expression. "Oh, Hades." She walked up to him, and leaned forward enough to that she would rub up against his bare skin. "Never bait an attorney with Power issues."

And with that she walked back to the table.

Viola walked along the ocean shore, hoping that Dena would be around. She had heard rumors in Athens that Sebastian had literally dumped her off the cliffs near the Temple of Zeus. A definite sign that Sebastian was about to laugh in the face of the gods.

But after a mile, she believed that this had to be another wild goose chase. She turned to head back when she caught the glimpse of a woman, soaked to the skin sitting at the edge of the water, sobbing. She rushed over to her, and sat next to her offering a handkerchief.

She took it, and noticed Viola's presence. "You shouldn't be here. Zeus will kill you."

Viola waved it off. "He can't kill me. I'm not a Sprite anymore."

Dena was surprised. "Then why aren't you with your father?"

Viola looked at her, irritated at the question. "Maybe because some novice water Nymph got a certain uncle of mine out of Hell...where I had put him to begin with."

"But I love him," she sobbed.

Viola rolled her eyes. "Darling, he tossed you off a cliff."

" was only foreplay," she defended him, without reluctance.

Viola groaned. "Dena, this is more then a little love pat. I don't see how you can care for this guy when he does this to you."

"But he loves me," she said in between her sobs.

She was hoping that the Nymph was listening. "Did he ever say it, or is he just having fun putting his hand up your skirt?"

Dena stopped crying long enough to look at Viola. "We do have good sex."

"Good for you," she complimented. "You can find plenty of other lovers. I think Aphrodite can help you in that department..."

"But I want Sebastian," she cried, burying her head into her wet knees.

Viola sighed. "Please let me never be hung up on some guy like this." She finally took Dena by the shoulders, and shook her. "Listen to me. He tossed you off of a cliff in front of Zeus's temple. It means that he was saying he got away with it. My demented uncle wants to kill Hades. You know how Zeus is about killing gods."

A glimmer of understanding: Dena was actually listening. Viola tried one more time; "Sebastian never cared a thing for you, except as something that he could screw. He wants Hades dead and then my sister. You can stop him, by putting him back where he belongs."

Dena looked at her, in a bit of shock. "Ok...when do you want me to do it?"

Viola smiled. "The sooner -- the better."

Ariel walked near the clouds, and blazing sunsets that trademarked Elysian. She had talked to Vi for a couple of hours, and all she could determine was that the girl was going to make sure that her father and sister were taken care of. Why would such a child be left with a bunch of scribes? She asked that question and remateriazed high above the Elysian Fields.

Before her opened a cavern of white slate. This must be the Temple of Light, where Michael the guardian kept watch. Ariel walked through, and nodded to the winged figures that passed her. It was unusual to see a Grecian Goddess so far off her turf, but not unlikely.

Michael spotted and approached her. "Welcome Ariel, we don't get many deities here. So few care to ask questions."

Ariel smirked, reluctant to get into a debate about questions...when she wanted her own answered. "Well, I tend to think that we like to know things up front. We kinda picky that way. By the way, love what you've done with the place. Tell me, Michael. Where is the Warrior Witch Scathach?"

Some angels looked up in recognition of the name. Michael smiled, knowingly. "Does this have anything to do with her daughter?"

Ariel arched her eyebrow, and smiled. "Who said it was about Vi? I'm only looking for her mother."

"You will not find her here," he answered, and turned around to speak to another guardian angel.

Ariel looked at him in annoyance. "What do you mean I won't find her here?"

Michael turned back around, and faced her. "You're concerned about the rumor of Scathach's own sacrifice to save her daughter from Hades, and how it effects Viola to this day?"

Ariel inched closer to Michael's face and smiled. "Yeah."

Michael smirked and paced in front of her. "When Viola was born to Scathach, she was living with the Amazons in an attempt to forget what she had done to Roarke. It didn't work. She raised her daughter up to the age of seven, teaching her small forms of magic and the ways of Amazon fighting, until the child's own powers could flourish."

Ariel was captivated by the story. "What happened when Viola became seven?"

"Hades by then had married Demeter's daughter Kore, who gave birth to Halli. Later Kore became Persphone. On the day of Halli's birth, Hades and a spawn of Nyx took Viola."

Ariel looked confused. "Which one? The beast had quite a few."

Michael glared, annoyed at having his story interrupted. "How's this? Three one-eyed heads, razor sharp beaks, poisonous claws." he answered. "That ring any bells for ya?"

Ariel took a deep breath, knowing the fear of the creature. "I know Scathach would never give up that child without a fight."

Michael stopped beside her. "She struggled against Hades, but the creature tore her to shreds. She died at Viola's side barely recognizable. Viola rose up and took the monster on herself, and killed it: a combination of magic and what she learned with the Amazons. Hades was impressed, but seeing how she would do far more damage in Taurus - he put her in the Sprite Council."

Ariel nodded, digesting the information. "So correct me if I'm wrong, but Scathach's death should have released the hold on Viola. She should have been able to come back to her father."

Michael shook his head, sadly. "There is only one way to get to Fantasy Island, Ariel. You know that."

Ariel looked at him, shocked as she slowly realized what he was saying. "No, Michael. She is a kid. Viola is a scared kid who has one thought on her mind, and that is to see her father. If she dies, it will not only kill him but her sister. The girl has worked hard for this moment."

He hushed her with a movement of his hand. "Viola Roarke has lived the life of her mother, and has earned that power. Yet, for her to live the life of her father, she must begin another journey. Her path has been predestined when her mother took the oath. The child will have to decided between everything she ever wanted and what's right." He looked at her shocked expression. "Do you understand, Ariel?"

She nodded, turned around. Before walking into the mist, she called to Michael.

"Yes, Ariel?"

She looked at him sternly. "If you send Viola to the island like makes you no different then Zeus, or for that matter Scathach when she put the oath rod into Roarke's hands and made him take the same oath." with that she walked into the golden mist, and up to the hotel.

Michael frowned, as Angel walked up to him. "It would be have been easier if you just told her, Michael."

"She has to be tested," Michael said mildly. "I have to be sure."

Angel frowned. "Which one? Ariel or Viola?"


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One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
Seven | Eight | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen

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