Welcome to the Griffin HS Rifle Team Guestbook!

commander 2000 - 10/09/00 01:40:50
My Email:rtc2000lf@aol.com

good job on the web page, and i like my picture ,looks good. i hope that yall do good this season. dont forget me. see yall later. joshua bennett

gator - 09/30/00 23:57:15
My Email:jn4138@aol.com

very nice web page need to tell something about the rifle. tell more about the students

- 09/19/00 15:50:34
My Email:jfwmson@bellsouth.net

Nice job Moore. Glad to see that the Department is "going global." Keep up the good work. J.Franklin Williamson GHS Bttn XO 1999-2000

e-girl - 08/26/00 01:44:26
My Email:sweete0754

hey this web site really needs to be updated JEREMY!!!! well it is still alright.anyways see you at school monday.love,me

Scanner - 08/23/00 21:18:36
My Email:nascar55@hotmail.com

Hi Pullover ...

- 08/13/00 18:40:38

who is the coach?

Mitch Landry - 07/30/00 07:20:08
My URL:http://www.lsa1.org
My Email:webmaster@lsa1.org

Keep up the good work on the web site and keep em in the black at the range!

Carebear - 07/16/00 19:53:11
My URL:don't have one
My Email:Gothchick241@aol.com

Even though I don't really like ROTC, this site is really neat and makes it easy to find information. Great job Jeremy aka Cmdr. Moore. Keep up the good work and I love ya!

- 07/16/00 18:42:54
My Email:EODTNT1@aol.com

Great website. Keep up the good work and shoot straight. You'll get that appointment to the USAF Academy yet.

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