Wind: 12 Pace: 8 Size: 6
Gear: HK MP20A (Laser sight, 60 rounds of AP-3 9mm ammo, 2 spare mags, underslung flashlight), Kevlar vest, Shinny High-tech looking case stuffed into an old duffel bag containing: High-powered binoculars, night vision goggles, lockpicking tools, electronic lockpick, palmcorder with "mission notes" and 5 slugs of occult information, 2 smoke and 2 flashbang grenades, 2 sets of handcuffs.
Personality: Hey babe, I was fighting evil long before it was fashionable. Before everything went to Hell, I worked for a "special" department in Washington. I took on cults, wackos, and beasties while everyone else was home watching T.V. I've seen uglies you can't imagine. I was in the field checking out some "suspicious activities" the day the world blew up, and was far enough away that I survived to fight another day. I have all the tools from my former occupation; I just seem to use them more often now a days. So, do you want my help, gear and expertise, or not?
Quote: "We go on my signal?" |