Ghost Rock Prospector by Matthew Weaver-Uzelac
Mental Cognition 3d8 Search 5d8 Knowledge 2d10 Academia: 3d10 Engineering Area Knowledge: The Maze 2d10 Science: Geology 4d10 Trade: Prospecting 4d10 Mein 1d8 Smarts 4d6 Ridicule 3d6 Spirit 2d6
Corporeal Deftness 3d6 Shootin': Shotgun 3d6 Nimbleness 4d10 Drivin': Boat 2d10 Swimmin' 3d10 Strength 2d12 Quickness 2d6 Vigor 2d6
Edges Dinero 5
Hindrances Aillin': 3 (Ghost Rock Fever) Big Un': Hefty 1 Greedy 2 Squeamish 2 Habit: 2 (Always a jerk) |
Pace: 12 Wind: 4 Size: 7
Gear: Prospecting Tools, Geiger Counter, Double Barrel Shotgun (20 rounds of Buckshot), Small Boat with motor. $100 of Ghost Rock.
Personality: "I used to be a Geological Engineer, but the war ended all that...I still got by. Jeez, all I lost is a job; you look like you were eaten by a wolf and sh?Hey, where you going? Fine, go...who needs ya'! I'm a valuable man. I know where to find the ghost rock, and that makes me popular in these parts. Most the time I dig it out myself, but I could always take on a couple of hopeless brainers like yourselves to help me out. The last ones said they couldn't stand me and left, but if you want to tag along, no snot off my lip. I could always use more grunt labor."
Quote: "I'm tellin' ya' the vein is right over there." |