More New Firearms for HoE
by Matthew Weaver-Uzelac
12 Gauge Bounty Hunter's Special
This gun was made famous by Rock Flockman's performance in the movie Determinator 2: The Liquid Bad Guy.  It is simply a sawed-off level action shotgun with the stock removed and a single shot grenade launcher mounted on the bottom.  After the movie came out, lots of wannabes picked these up guns.  The grenade launcher could be loaded with special "Knock-Knock" ammo that could smash a door off its hinges.  Also, a stun round (basically a beanbag fired at high velocity) could stop a prisoner in his tracks.  The shotgun part was used if things got really bad, or the perp didn't need to come back alive.

Sethtec "Monster 9"
This small machine pistol was designed for export to the Third World.  Because it was deadly, and cheap (and therefore disposable) many drug dealers in North America favored it.  The weapon is only slightly bigger in size and weight than an auto pistol, but the forward magazine well and its blocky shape made it to difficult to conceal.  The other drawback to this bullet-hog is the lack of a selector switch.  The Monster9 can not fire semi-automatically.  It can only fire bursts of bullets.  Back before the war, that wasn't a hassle, but now bullets aren't as plentiful.   The other bad part about this is that because of the weapons poor construction, if a player ever goes bust on a Shootin' roll, the weapon Jams, and must be disassembled (a minimum of ten minutes to do) to clear it.  When the weapon does jam, roll against a Reliability rating of 15.  If that fails, the weapon has a catastrophic failure and must be repaired by someone using gunsmith with gunsmithing tools. 

Sethtec "Wiseman" Survival Rifle
Not all of Sethtec's guns were junk.  The Wiseman is compact over/under double barrel survival weapon that is lightweight and can be disassembled into a small case.  It was designed to be apart of aircrew (civilian and military) survival packs.  Many survivalists bought three or four of these wonders. The weapons breaks apart like a scatter-gun.  It's top barrel is a single shot .22 cal rifled barrel.  This was meant for light game like rabbits.  The bottom barrel was a single shot 12 gauge shotgun.  This was also rifled and could be used for buckshot or slug.  This would allow a survivor to hunt fowl, deer or people (if it was needed).  Other features of the weapon include a bandoleer that could hold 15 12 gauge shells, and a stock-mounted pouch that could carry 100 .22 shells.  The stock itself was hollow and could be used to carry more ammo, a small first aid kit, or other survival supplies.

Sethtec "Mk-4 Stinger" .22 caliber SMG
By far one of the strangest ideas to come out of Sethtec was the  Mk-4.  It was a medium sized SMG with a high capacity drum magazine.  The weapon had a wicked rate of fire, but it could only fire the underpowered .22 caliber round.  Many civilians had this weapon, and it was also popular with smaller police forces that couldn't afford HI Police SMG's.

Winchester Combo Rifle/Shotgun
This is a hunting weapon for those who liked to be versatile.  These guns were double-barrel, with walnut stocks.  The top barrel shoots a single 30-06 round.  The bottom is a 12 gauge rifled shotgun barrel.  This gun is still popular with hunters.

Weapon                        Ammo      Shots      Speed      ROF      Range      Dam      Cost
Bounty Hunter's Special   12 gauge      5              1            1            5          1-6d6     $150
   w/grenade launcher      40mm          1              1            1           20       Grenade   $1250
Monster- 9 SMG             9mm        20/30           1            6           5           2d6       $100
Wiseman                         .22             1              1            1           20          2d4       $175
                                    12 gauge       1              1            1           10         1-6d6
Mk-4 Stinger                   .22            104            1            6         5/10        2d4       $200
Combo Rifle                 .30-06           1               1            1           20          4d8      $150
                                   12 gauge        1              1            1           10         1-6d6
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