New Firearms for HoE
by Matthew Weaver-Uzelac

Uzi 2050
Descendant of the famous 9mm Subgun of 20th century fame.  The weapon was issued to soldiers in Israel, Germany, The Netherlands the LatAm Alliance and many other smaller countries.  In North America, the Uzi served in the hands of U.S. Treasury officers, and the Texas Rangers "VIP Protection Department" (the equivalent to the U.S. Secret Service).  Many corporations also armed their "Special Security Service" personnel with Uzis.  Many people thought that the gun was manufactured by BRI, due to its presence in the hands of many of their personnel.  In truth, Black River bought the weapon by the truckload to issue to its security guards.

Lever Action Carbines
Before the war, many gun companies made replicas of famous guns of the old west.  Many were produced chambered in modern calibers.  Two such guns were made to resemble the old Winchester '73 lever-action rifles of old.  The guns were produced both in .357 caliber and the heavier .44 magnum caliber.  These weapons had the advantage of firing a heavy pistol round at the range of a rifle.  Many smaller police forces adopted these weapons in stead of MilSpec brand assault rifles and SMG's.  These rifles were cheaper and looked more "politically correct" than the Military Gear.  These guns have an internal tube magazine so do not need any sort of clip.

.22 Caliber Hunting Rifles
The .22 rifle was one of the most common weapons on the continent (on both sides of the border).  This rifle was available for as low as $80 brand new in some common department stores.  The weapon was good for small varmints, and as a target-shooting weapon (Many kids' first shooting experience was with a .22).  Though underpowered, the ammunition was very common and billions of rounds were in circulation at the start of the war.  Today, even the smallest village will have a brace of these guns for catching small game, training the milita and (as a very last resort) arming the final line of defense against attackers.

Medusa Multi-caliber revolver
A rare gun produced in Texas that was the ultimate prize for many survivalists before the war.  The Medusa is a revolver with a special device that allows it to chamber and fire .357, .38, 9mm and .380 auto ammunition without having to modify the weapon in any way.  The four types of rounds can be loaded with no hassle and can be fired and extracted just as easily.  The weapon was very expensive before the war, and now it is almost impossible to find on the open market (not that much of anything is easy to find on the open market.)  The current owners of the weapons either paid a lot of money for them before the war, or inherited them from some great relative with foresight.

Semi-Auto Shotgun
This weapon originated as a popular hunting weapon.  Somewhere along the line, some paramilitary grunt in some forgotten Central American war thought to saw off the barrel and the stock and mount it under an assault rifle's barrel.  The resulting weapon hybrid is about 50% heavier than a regular assault rifle.  The shotgun's range is shortened to 5.  On the bright side the weapon doesn't need to be racked like a pump-action shotgun and makes a fairly impressive (and very scary looking) anti-personnel weapon.  The cost to mount the weapon onto a NA or SA assault rifle is already figured into the weapon's price (but does not include the cost of the assault rifle).

Pistol-Caliber Carbine
The original concept for the carbine was a weapon with a range like a rifle, but using the ammo of the pistol that the cowpoke was carrying with him, thus the need for only one type of bullet.  These carbines were designed to fire either the 9mm round, or the 10mm round and use the pistol magazines from the NA pistol or the Police pistol.  Also, these guns have twenty round magazines available.

Weapon                Ammo      Shots      Speed      ROF      Range      Dam      Cost
LA Carbine             .357             8             2              1          15          3d6        $150
LA Carbine              .44              8             2              1          20          4d6        $200
.22 cal Rifle             .22            15              1             1          20          2d4        $100
Medusa           .357/.38/9mm      6              1             1          10          3d6       $2000
Uzi 2050                 9mm          32              1           12         5/10        3d6        $150
SA Shotgun         12 gauge          6              1             1           5       1-6d6        $250
9mm Carbine           9mm        15/20           1             1          15          3d6        $150
10mm Carbine        10mm         9/20           1             1           15         3d6        $150

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