Shields and Shield Usage for Deadlands: Hell on Earth
by Sean "Mojo Jojo" Gore

Shield use requires fightin' concentration.  The skill may be used either passively or actively.  Passive use provides a flat defensive bonus, in addition to any provided by other melee weapons.  Active use provides the shield's armor rating against the attack.  The defender gets to add the shield's DB to his fightin' total for determination of a successful block.   An active use requires the defender gets a raise over the attacker's total and acts as a Vamoosin' action, although the defender need not give any ground or move - he merely blocks the attack with a swat of his shield.  If used actively, shields take one point of damage for every point that gets through to affect their user.  Every loss of durability lowers the DB by one (to a minimum of 0).  Yes, that means bucklers and small shields get trashed quickly.

Shield                     DB      AV     Dur      Cost

Buckler                     -        1       5/1       $30
Small/Round Wood  +1        1       8/1       $40
Small/Round Metal   +1        2      11/2      $60
Medium/Kite Wood  +2        1      14/3      $80
Medium/Kite Metal   +2        2      17/4     $120
Large/Tower Wood  +3        1      20/4     $160
Large/Tower Metal   +3        2      23/5     $240
Riot Shield               +3        3      26/6     $480

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