Marshal Matt's Current Posse
This section lists the current characters of my Hell on Earth campaigns, detailing their backgrounds and current stats. Unless otherwise noted, all of them were generated using my House Rules. I hope you enjoy reading about these guys and gals almost as much as I love putting them through hell every week - they're a pretty wacky, diverse bunch! 

There is no Arizona - no painted desert, no Sedona
If there was a Grand Canyon, she could fill it up with the lies he told her
But they don't exist - those dreams he sold her -
She'll wake up and find there is no Arizona"

- There Is No Arizona, Jamie O'Neil
The Razing Arizona Posse
Ortho "Stone Cold" Glick - created and played by Rick
Katherine "Kit" Cobratti (a.k.a. "The Papergirl") - created and played by Liz
Otto "Auto" Matticelli - created and played by Cassie
Lt. Luther "Hardboiled" Kreed - played by Jesse
Carrie "Whiteout" White-played by Bob
Cau' Abu-bakari "Aboo"-played by Chris
Solomon One-Eye- played by Del
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