Pappy's Sack - created by Matt Steflik

Description: This small leather drawstring belt pouch  looks like it would hold about 20 coins or so. It looks old and worn. It has been in the family of a gunslinger named Solomon Oneye for as long as they can remeber. It is  handed down from father to son.

Powers: They person carring this pouch on there belt can once a day reach inside to pull out some ammo. They decided what type of ammo they wish to have from the pouch then make a Spirit roll based on the cost of the ammo desired.

TN                                                                  Ammo type
            3                                          .22, .25, .32, .38 (all small caliber pistols & rifles)
            5                                           9mm, 10mm, .44, .45, .30, .30-30, 7mm, 8mm, 5.56 mm,
                                                         .243, .275, 7.62 mm, .30-06, .370 (all medium and large Caliber
                                                         pistols & rifles)
             7                                           .50 cal pistol, 10 ga, 20 ga, 12 ga shotgun (buck)
             9                                          10 ga, 20 ga, 12 ga Shotgun (slug), .50 cal Machinegun
            11                                          4mm caseless (frangible), all standard Gyrojet ammo, 20 mm, 30mm ammo

            13                                         4mm caseless (AP2), 20mm, 30 mm grenade (grenade launcher only (NO                                                           HAND GRENADES)

           +1 to TN roll for Hollow point, Dumb-Dumbs, Tracers
           +2 to roll for Frangible, AP2, Specialized grenade ammo

:  Anyone using this pouch sounds like they come from west Tenn when they speak. Also no matter how much they try to keep them clean. thier clothes seem dirty and stained from long use. This gives them a -2 to all Persuasion rolls (unless dealing with a mountain man type where it is a +2.)
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