Wheezer's Guitar Picks

     This particular item is only given out by Wheezer himself, and the only person it works for is the one he gives it to. He usually only gives out one to an individual Waster.  If taken off a body or stolen, the pick is a nomal piece of plastic.  Even in the hands of the person it was given to, it looks like a regular run-of-the-mill guitar pick (color, shape and brand  varies).

Power - If a situation arrises that the owner of the pick does not know how to deal with, and the pick is on their person, the Marshal can choose to allow them make a hard (TN 9) mein roll (reducing the target number a step for every two points of performin' music or singing they might have, rounding up).  On a successful roll, they will "hear" a song in their mind, the lyrics of which relate to the solution of the situation.  For each raise, the solution to the problem becomes that much clearer to the pick's owner.

Taint - After the first time the power of the pick is invoked, the owner will find it difficult to get the song out of their head and start to hum it constantly (especially at really innoportune times, like while trying to sneak past a sleeping guard).  The chracter picks up a 1 point hindrance in Habit - humming.  When the power is invoked again, this hindrance does not increase - the song just finally changes.  This hindrance effect can only be removed if the pick is destroyed.

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