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Toxic Waste II More Verbal Diarrhea from the ever-changing roster of the "Razing Arizona" Posse READ AT YOUR OWN RISK (scroll down for the fresh stuff) Want to dig through some old waste? Click here. |
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Cassie: "Wait! I don't want to get kicked out of _another_ town!" Bob: "I was born the year Kennedy was shot..." Matt: "Yeah...Ezekiel Kennedy, the Grave Digger...1832." Cassie: "Wait...I can't tell if that's sarcasm." (to Darrin) Bob: "I'll put him back together with skin glue..." Posse: "...SKIN GLUE?!" Bob: "Welcome to the club...ya wanna see mine?" (collective groan from Posse) Darrin: "C'mon, Bessie! The moron is taking the bomb!" Cassie: "So...did he fix everything and save the building?" Matt: (chuckles) "No." Cassie: "What a surprise." Rick: "Argh! Argh! Argh! I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my...oh...that's them over there..." Randy: "He's just gonna use my head as a battery!" Cassie: "No he's not...he's a priest!" Jesse: "Well, I might...you never know." |
Rick: "Oh please evil master...don't make me destroy this town..." Town Sheriff: "OK everybody...assholes and elbows...let's move!" Darrin: "Why is he calling everybody an asshole?" Rick: "Probably 'cause they're all related to you." Rick: "Shut up before I introduce your guitar to your asshole." Bob: "Do not threaten Patricia (the guitar) like that!" Rick: "I was threatening you...the guitar will probably survive the encounter." Rick: "Please don't feed the Darrins..." Matt: "OK, then...two wounds in the OTHER left arm." Randy: "Oh man...I hope it aquires its target...um...no offense there, Fran (the target being aquired)." Matt: "I wanna play a walkin' hindrance factory..." Darrin: "You mean you got Tanus killed!?" Bob: "Wanna hear a song about it?" Jesse: "Just 'cause she's shakin' doesn't mean she can't see..." Cassie: "Should we check these doors to make sure nothing jumps out behind us?" Darrin: "Nah...they'll just jump out anyway. Let's go on." Darrin: "I thought the blood gets off on the third floor..." (Simpsons reference) Darrin begins hitting Bob with an inflatable guitar being used as a prop: Matt: "Why? What did he do now?" Darrin: "Oh, nothing...I'm just hitting him." Matt: "Man, the only thing this screen is actually good for is for hiding all the die rolls I cheat on..." Bob: "You can't even hit your own head." Rick: "I suppose this would itch if I wasn't dead already..." Town Elder: "We don't have much, but if there's anything that we can give you..." Rick: "Um...ARM!" Rick: "Stay stupid...we like you that way." (to Cassie) Darrin: "Unzip your pants so I can see." (mocking Ortho's overactive space herpes) Darrin: "He went into the Heart of Darkness 'cause it was safer..." Jesse: (incredulous) "I'm the only one that knows how to drive?" Cassie: "Why do you think we walk everywhere." Bob: "Anything for a one-armed, undead Syker." (complying with Ortho) Liz: "Um...what skill is 'picking up broken glass'?" Bob: "I'm glad I fell down the hole (and died) because I'd really be messing this up right now." Randy: "I'm crushing my ghost rock and duct taping it to my chest from now on..." Cassie: "Please...do we LOOK like smart people?" Jesse: "See? Everyone in the group rolled well." CJ: "Uh...wait...I busted." Darrin: "Well, I don't really consider you part of the group yet." Cassie: "Thank you (for the help)...he's got supernatural powers - I don't." Cassie: "You're not using any of your supernatural powers! You're not even supernatural! You're just a FREAK!" Rick: "I always knew you'd die a stupid death." Randy: "I wanna be Size 10!" Darrin: "Uh...yeah...we'll get right to work on that..." Rick: "You are the Saint of Stupidity!" Rick: "But we already saw how Witches work..." Darrin: "No, we saw Bob play a Witch..." Rick: "A-ha...good point..." Matt: (mumbling to self) "Let's see...how do we put out fire..." Bob: "My head is out!" Rick: "Your head has BEEN out." Matt: "I didn't even get him up on the website yet..." CJ: "Bob and Randy died." (to Cassie, showing up late) Cassie: "Sorry." (to Randy) Cassie: "Figures." (to Bob) Rick: "Aw, crap - they're killing all of the kids..." Cassie: "That means less money for us, right?" Matt: "I don't even get the d6 wind on you..." Darrin: "Well, you did 1 damage - that technically does wind..." Matt: "But you're Harrowed." Darrin: "Just trying to make you feel better." Rick: "Well, nothing unless someone wants to give me their arm...why is everyone looking at Bob? His character isn't even here." Matt: "What dark power do you have a deal with in order to get cards like those !?!" Rick: "Argh! I'm useless! A sniper with one arm!" Cassie: "Don't worry - you've always been useless." Rick: "Better have another character in mind..." Bob: "I'm thinking of a Savage..." (note - this is before he's even finished the character he's currently working on) Matt: "O.K. - now that we've discussed how Bob's gonna die next can we move on?" Matt: "Out of 20...no, 21...no, 22...sorry, 23 characters that have died, one third have been Bob's." Rick: "Who the hell are you and what do you want?" (to Bob's latest character, approaching the posse) Bob: "I'm a mercenary, looking for work." Darrin: "How much are you gonna pay us?" Bob: "The name is Polk..." Teresa: "As in Polka?" Jesse: "I never said they died bravely! Don't put words in my mouth!" |
Darrin: "And you realize that stealing a person's water in the desert is an attempt at murder..." Bob: (in bad Asian accent)"You funny guy...maybe you should be in club." Darrin: "Yeah, I'll give you a club..." Matt: "Come on, Bob...smack me like you..." Jesse: "So did Randy get to see the dead guy...oops...bad guy...oops...I mean, wounded chinese woman yet?" Matt: "Oh, it's my turn...sorry...she (Liz) was doing such a good job killing Bob accidently I thought she was one of mine..." Rick: "Hmm...the guy with no name is working on the chick with no name..." Matt: "Everyone gets a white chip for not killing Bob this week." Cassie: "We should get a chip for not killing him every week." Rick: "How can I have my army of dead Bob's when they keep losing their heads?" CJ: "Waitaminute...what was that about an alligator?" Group: "ELEVATOR!" Matt: (musing) "Now how am I gonna introduce Bob to the group THIS time?" Darrin: "INITIATIVE!" Jesse: (musing) "Hmm...that must have been an off week that Bob didn't die..." Jesse: "You can't fall down here - you'd have to be a moron!" Darrin: "Better be careful there, Otto." Bob: "I'm becoming prone with the ground!" Randy: "I'll do what I always do in an ambush..." Posse: (sighs) "...nuke." Bob: "You kidnapping women men, you!" Randy: "I don't like MIRV...it's just not subtle enough...nuke is much better." Jesse: "Don't think of it as dying quickly - think of it as dying SPECTACULARLY!" Matt: "Spank me like...aw, whatever..." Bob: "I will check out the bathroom!" (heroically) Darrin: "My hero." Matt: "What do you think the "to hit" mod would be to shoot Bob in the butt?" Darrin: "Alright - who's going to spring the trap?" (Bob raises his hand) Matt: "Everyone make a fear check." Bob: (grumbling after seeing his roll) "Fine...how many dice do I roll." Bob: "I seem to lose a character every month." Posse: "MONTH !?!" Rick: "I take it you're female, yes?" (regarding Bob's new character) Rick: "Don't _make_ me mountain climb you, man..." (to C.J., impeding his progress to the beer fridge) Bob: "Mount C.J.!" Jess: "D'ya have a big box?" (to Bob's "Hooker with a Heart of Gold") Bob: "Ooooh....darlin'...." Matt: "The guards are being pushed back..." Rick: "So they're not a threat...?" Matt: "Right." Rick: "O.K....Chainbraining the guards." Bob: "Uh-oh...Rick is kicking the Wall of Reason." Randy: "Ha! We got it right!" Rick: "Yeah, but I said it was Famine." Randy: "No, I said it was Famine...what you said was..." Rick: "What I said was it was either the Jim Jones Kool-Aid Bunch OR Famine!" Randy: "But I said it WAS Famine. Who cares - I say we can take this bitch..." Matt: "Hah! I finally took you down!" (to Cassie) Cassie: "Yeah - and it only took you a Horseman to do it." Cassie: "He needs a left arm." Rick: "Maybe if you go visit the wizard he'll give you a brain." Cassie: "Don't worry, your god will save you." (to C.J.) Matt: "Nah. This god is stronger than that god." Chuck: "Ooh baby! You're so hot! Ooh baby! You're so hot!" (throwing himself into a campfire) Matt: "Maybe you should work on the dwarf." C.J.: "He hasn't asked me yet." Posse: "He's UNCONCIOUS!" Jess: "What the hell would make them clear out of this pristine little town?" Chuck: "Card show." Bob: "Here, sugar...watch my matress..." (to Clem...small mutant shivers in fear) Chuck: "Was it a sweeper, a sleeper, or a one armed creeper?" Rick: "It's his birthday...I can't spank Bob - he'd like it too much." |
Jess: "That's why I won't let you shave my head...you'll miss." (to Rick) Jess: "Put the booty in the wagon..." Bob: "C'mon over to my "Booty Wagon"...I'll make it shake for you." Matt: "It seems as if somewhere in town you picked up a tail..." Bob: "Their tail can't be as nice as mine...<BONK>" (sound of an empty 2-liter soda bottle being bounced off Bob's head) Matt: "He'll give you a power hook-up." Bob: "Good. I won't have to use my candles...for lighting..." (playing a sexual devian...I mean... "Hooker with a Heart of Gold") CJ: "Well, it doesn't matter as long as I spread Christianity....a...a....um...the, uh....Word of Allah." (playing a Muslim Blessed) Jess: "5...4...3...2...1...(pause)...Bob?...Bob?" (waiting for an anticipated sex comment from Bob) NPC: "What are ya doin' with that there museum piece?" (referring to one of the Kid's gatling pistols) Jess: (shrugs)"Shootin' people with 'em." NPC: "Just 'cause I don't wanna screw anymore don't mean I'm a deader!" Jess: "Give me a number so I can laugh at you." (during haggling over the trade value of ammo) Jess: "Hey! You won't let me see yours? But, I showed you mine!" NPC: "But y'see...you're the customer...HAH!" Rick: "I ain't having no candy cane sticking outta my stump." (turning down the "Christmas Elf" Junker's offer of assistance) Rick: "Yeah, it's gonna cost me 1,000 in trade..." Cassie: "That's an awful lot for a stump." Matt: "Well, there's a few side effects...but, hey...it's only Rick." Cassie: "I just want sugar and bullets. Can I get sugarcane?" Matt: "Wrong part of the country for that." CJ: "There's always Cuba." Matt: "There's a little matter of water between here and there..." CJ: "Are you kiddin'? Many a Cuban has swum from Cuba to Texas!" Matt: "Many a Cuban has been devoured by sea behemouths since the war I imagine." Randy: "Oppenheimer, Einstein, shut up and eat it." (Doomsayer Blessing at a meal) Matt: "Curiouser and curiouser said Alice...time for the mutant fire ants..." Rick: "The predators attack in the dark, so everyone stay in the light." Chuck: "That's why we haven't heard of any reports of ninjas disappearing." Matt: "Before combat started, the party degenerated into a mad dash for batteries..." NPC: "I need to have a babysitter for my strike force." NPC: "No. THERE wolf...there Space Port." Jess "One..Two...Three. How many Sykers does it take to kill a Doompriest? The world may never know." Matt: "Um...right...you fire two shots at the moon." Chuck: "Did I hit it?" Matt: "You know there's something attached to your leg, right?" (to Rick) Chuck: "And it's NOT the dwarf!" CJ: "You're thinking too long..." Cassie: "No! I just can't decide what gun to use! I have so many!" Bob: "Don't you have armor?" Rick: "No! I don't need it - I've lived longer than your last fourteen characters without it!" Rick: "Do you have any idea what I had to pay in trade for this arm? I don't even want to think of what a leg will cost..." Cassie: "Yeah, 'casue the problem with legs is you need them to move." Rick: "THANK YOU COPERNICUS!" (followed shortly thereafter by...) Rick: "Whee! I got a white chip for making the Marshal breathe rice!" Bob: "What would Neitsche say, Otto?" Cassie: "Neitsche would say 'Bless the goddamn sword'!" |
Newest Waste Starts Here - 9/18 | ||||||||||||||||||
Randy: "As long as you keep the dwarf alive you'll have a never-ending supply of armor with Santa faces on it." Matt: "You hear the wind through the broken windows..." Chuck: "Are the windows broken?" Matt: "Ooh, he's a sharp one..." Liz: "Should I make a drivin' roll?" Rick: (singing) "Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'..." Rick, Matt and CJ: (singing) "Keep crashin, crashin' crashin'" Bob: "Um, old rule or new rule?" Matt: "Ah, scew it. Old rule." Posse: "YEAH!" Matt: "I'm imposing a 10 second think rule on actions..." Cassie: "Oh God, I'm SCREWED!" Matt: "Any dice that fall on the floor when you roll are an automatic bust." Cassie: "WHAT!?!" Matt: "Kidding." Bob: "Well, it's time for me to use my special powers.." Rick: "What are you going to do? Hump one of them to death?" Rick: "You howl at the friggin' thing three times a day! Can't you have it make me a stupid, friggin' light!?" Matt: "They miss you again." Chuck: "That's because they don't have the Spirit of Christmas in them." Randy: "Maybe that's why they want to eat him - to get some." Jesse: "I'm going to stand back to back with him and yell 'SHOOT, DAMMIT!' and then shoot myself." CJ: "You're going to shoot yourself?" Jesse: "Ah! No! Rephrase!" Cassie: "Is throwing a bike balanced or unbalanced?" Matt: "Definitely unbalanced." Cassie: "DAMN!" CJ: "Is the door open? I feel a draft." Chuck: "It's the icy hand of death..." Matt: "Make a Spirit roll." Rick: "Hey-how-are-ya, Hey-how-are-ya" (Indian Chant) CJ: "How does she keep doing that? She always goes ahead of you!" Cassie: "But she's not important...it's all about ME!" Matt: "It was attacking her but it busted." Cassie: "Damn - I thought that was the one on me." Matt: "It's taken me a year and a half, but I finally knocked Otto out in combat! And i didn't cheat! It was legal! LEGAL!" Cassie: "Well, I'm impressed. It took him 1,000 bat thingies to take me out, but I'm still impressed." Cassie: "That's it. I'm staying away from flying things. That's what took me out here, and moths did it to me before." CJ: "But that's because you sniffed the moths..." Cassie: "But it was still flying things that took me out." Matt: "He hit with a three round burst." Cassie: "Hah. I can do better than that." (out cold at the time) Randy: "I used Altered States on the hooker." Cassie: "You missed the guy with the blessed sword!" Randy: "Well, it might have made him smarter." Matt: "You see a camera and it's looking right at you." Chuck: "I give it the old Dwarven Lick." Matt: "Um...right...the little red light on it goes out." Chuck: "Bet your ass it does." Randy: "Hey, keep it. That's gotta be at least 3 electrical components." Chuck: "Oooh yeah, baby. Yes it is!" Rick: (singing)"Picture yourself on a boat on a river...STYX!" Rick: I roll a 7! I'm HUGE! Cassie: "Haw! I beat that and I didn't have to throw a chip!" Chuck: "You're going to beat him to death with the Syker's leg..." Randy: "Well, I yelled that we had to go, but unfortunately I needed a sacrificial lamb and..." Bob: "Baaaaaa!" Matt: "Move woman, move! Bob: "Where have you been you bastard! I should come up there and scratch you..." Rick: "...on the ass." Bob: "Well now let's see...I take five to the guts...and I already had four wounds there. Boy am I dead!" Chuck: "So the hooker's breast implants...I'm thinking chemical components. How many each?" Jesse: "I got dibs on her wagon." Cassie: "That's why you took me out - because it was the longest combat of all time!" Matt: "Um...yeah, that's it." Jesse: "Did you hear your sister? She's calling dibs before she even knows what's going on." Bob: "Look everyone...Ortho is eating a prostitute." Matt: "The bike will definitely not fit down the hole." Cassie: "Why don't you hobble it?" Liz: "Shut up!" Rick: "Have you ever smelled a dead man's fart?" Chuck: "Nope. Can't say that I have." Rick: "It's like the Gates of Hell, man..." Liz: "So, I wouldn't have time to reassemble my bike?" (to big-ass security robot) Matt: (making servo sounds as the robot shakes its head "no".) Liz: "Crap." Chuck: "So is this old tech he's updated, or is this Junker tech he's built?" Matt: "Yes." NPC: "What were the monsters doing at the Bio-Dome?" Chuck: "Road trip." Matt: "The man at the control panel goes into spasms as the equipment around him sparks..." Chuck: "I'll fix it!" Matt: "Any more 9's?" Chuck: "Holding." Rick: "Yeah, onto my leg, you bastard!" Matt: (counting "still up" members of the posse) "People...people...not a people..." CJ: "I'm still bleeding, thank you!" Rick: "You're not a people, you're a bleeple!" CJ: "But I'm not dead yet!" Rick: (makes gun with fingers and aims at CJ) "POP!" |
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