Computer Articles
by David Grossman
Computer Articles

Multimedia Sound Work, Part 4: Comments From Readers

Various people wrote in to explain how they solved problems with their own sound system since the previous installments of this article were published.

Click here for the previous installment in this series on computer sound.

This article is a result of those contacts. The suggestions that are presented here may be suitable for those with more of a technical background.

Some people discovered that the sound quality was reduced after upgrading their speakers. In some cases, the reason may be as follows:

The resistance, as measured in ohms, may have been different in the newer speakers. The specifications for most computers and sound cards demand 4-ohm speakers. Some sound cards and computers are fussy and cannot deal with a deviation from this specification. This may create a problem when using standard household hi-fidelity systems, which are likely to have 8-ohm speakers.

On the other hand, some systems did indeed work satisfactorily with 8-ohm speakers. In some cases, the 8-ohm speakers themselves were larger and thus the sound quality was enhanced as a result of the change in speakers.

Apparently each system is different. It's always best to use speakers that match the specifications.

Some people said that their sound worked after re-installing the sound card driver (the software which tells the hardware how to work in that system).

However, some people did not have the original software drivers that came with the computer. Others bought second-hand computers that did not come with drivers or diskettes. The computer worked satisfactorily in the beginning. However, when the hard drive had to be reconfigured or reformatted, they faced a serious problem.

It's easy to send these people to the manufacturer's Internet website in order to download the latest software - but only if they know the exact make and model. This is not always easy to determine.

Click here for the next installment in this series, which may help you locate the correct drivers.

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Click here to read the first installment in this series.

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