Articles about Computing

This article deals with CRT monitors. Much of this information does not apply to thin-screen or laptop monitors.

Dirty monitor screens can be cleaned with a special liquid available in computer supply stores. Spray it on a cloth and then use the cloth to wipe the monitor screen. Do not spray directly on the monitor, and do not allow the cloth to get wet enough so that it can drip down the screen and into the mechanism of the monitor.

The monitor's vents are scattered on its top, sides or back. Under no circumstances should these vents be covered while the computer is being used.

People sometimes cover the monitor to keep out the dust. They then turn on the monitor before removing the cover. This can destroy the monitor.

Don’t try to fix the monitor. If it is defective or damaged, you can throw it away or ask a technician to try to fix it, but don't open it.

Have you ever received a shock from an electrical appliance that was not grounded properly, or by touching part of an outlet that was exposed? If you live in North America the shock is unpleasant. If you live elsewhere, those 220 volts are significantly stronger. A CRT screen may have up to 30,000 volts (ouch!). Even when the monitor is turned off, some of the residual electricity can be q2uite painful. This static electricity remains in the computer even after it is turned off.

The word static comes from the word stay. That electricity stays, or remains, turned off.

Don't try to fix the insides of your monitor you will expose yourself to the potential for an amazing shock.

It isn’t worth it.

You might survive.

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Keyword: Hardware