Articles about Computing
Does the monitor turn on?

If the monitor does not turn on, then there are several options.

See that the monitor power cable is plugged in to the computer box or the wall. If you’re not sure, then push it in gently but firmly.

Check the power cable in the back of the monitor. Push it in gently but firmly. The monitor has a second cable, for data. This is a far stretch, but you can check that it is plugged in properly as well. The data cable usually will not affect whether the monitor turns on.

If the monitor still does not turn on, look for the monitor's on/off switch. Turn it on.

Adjust the brightness and contrast dials. Did that help?

Borrow a monitor from a neighbor. Explain that the monitor cannot get a virus by plugging it in to your computer. Your neighbor might want to read this article in order to confirm that it is safe to loan out the monitor.

If your neighbor’s monitor works, but yours does not, then you will have specific information to present to your computer technician. Your report of what you tried will save you time and time is money.

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