Articles about Computing

You've just read why it doesnot pay to insure your cell phone.

Does it pay to insure your computer?

In the past it was common to insure computers. Home computers were new, and people were not sure what to expect. They also did not know how to fix them, and it was difficult to find a good technician so they invested in insurance. The computer came with a limited warranty. After the warranty expired, people often insured it for an extended period of time.

After some time, some people realized that it did not pay to insure their computer. Those early computers from the early '80s were built very well. Some of those computers are still in use today, despite the spiffy new advances in modern computers.

Granted, occasionally a part such as a diskette drive may need to be replaced, and since they were expensive it may have been arguably worth it. However, in most cases the diskette drive and the other parts lasted.

Fast forward to today. Today's computers are not built as well as those in the early 80s. They are much cheaper, and they include a new feature - built in and planned obsolescence. It is common for people to replace their computer every 18 to 36 months.

The computers typically have a warranty of at least a year. During that time you can demand that any defective part be replaced. After the warranty period, the computer is drawing towards the end of its real life. Some people will replace computers within half a year after the termination of the warranty. For that limited period of time it is doubtful whether it pays to insure the computer.

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Keywords: Insurance, Telephone, Value