There are different points of view on this issue.
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When preparing audio-visuals what colors should you use? According to the various points of view, we could have any of the following: red, blue, green, yellow, mauve, chartreuse, orange, black, turquoise, lavender, plum, rose, gray, lime, light blue, teal, or aqua.
Option 1. The background could be clear or white or very pale. According to this theory the colors such as brown or dark blue do have a pleasing appearance on the screen, but unfortunately too much light from other areas in the room may cause the text to be less legible.
Option 2. Have a dark background such as royal blue or navy blue. This would command attention and people would appreciate the fact that it looks good and this is to be preferred.
What is notable about these two points of view is that they are in direct conflict with each other and there are vehement and loud discussions presenting the benefits of both points of view. We will not take sides I will not take sides on this difficult issue at this time and with this article. That will be left to your taste. However, we can discuss some other issues that relate to it, such as color combinations.
Some people are good at picking out the right colors to use for their presentations based on the two points of view listed above, but again this is a matter of taste. I can recommend some color combinations which may be good. Do not feel obligated to stick to these, but these combinations have been tried and shown to be reasonably effective. If you have a brown background, a dark brown background, then the lettering and the highlights could be orange.
With a purple background you can use either red or pink or yellow. Again the purple should be very dark and the other colors should be light so that there is a rich contrast.
With a dark blue background, navy blue or royal background you can use red or pink or yellow or gold as contrast colors.
With a dark green background you can use orange highlights or orange text or features.
These highlights should not include irrelevant matters such as the border or else you will draw attention to the wrong object and that will kill your presentation.
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