Articles about Computing
Excel spreadsheet design

Your spreadsheet columns can be formatted to your own taste. I like the trick of being able to format a cell for specific columns. You can create alternating columns, each with a distinctive style. In that way, you can distinguish one column from another. You might change the font or the cell shading for particular columns. However, when you add or remove cell columns in the spreadsheet, you will have to reformat each column individually.

You can make this change quickly with Format Painter. Yes, that’s the same Format Painter that you use in Word.

Click the top of a column to select the entire column. Double click on the Format Painter icon. It looks like a Paintbrush. Then click on any column which is supposed to have the same format for its cells as the selected item and every single one is going to have that formatting as you click on it so that you can easily change the formatting of the alternate cells I think that you mean columns. just by selecting one and then copying the formatting to the other cells. Please keep in mind that changing the formatting of the cell is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the contents of that cell. The contents do remain the same.

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