Seems a computer engineer, a systems analyst, and a programmer, A computer student should feel relaxed and comfortable at his workstation. He should be prepared to handle elementary problems. He should know when those problems are his fault, and he should then know how to deal with the problem without damaging the equipment. He should also be able to obtain any necessary assistance.
The teacher should feel confident before teaching, but he should not show off. He should let the students shine and excel.
were driving down a mountain
when the brakes gave out.
They screamed down the mountain, gaining speed,
but finally managed to grind to a halt,
more by luck than anything else,
just inches from a thousand foot drop
to jagged rocks.
They all got out of the car.
The computer engineer said,
"I think I can fix it"
The systems analyst said,
"No, no, I think we should take it into town
and have a specialist look at it"
The programmer said,
"OK, but first
I think we should get back in
and see if it does it again."
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