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Wow! A whole website with ideas about teaching and education!
You are likely, if you are a teacher, to agree with some of these ideas. You will disagree with other ideas, but the end result will be that your head might feel like it's bursting with all of the different things that you will be thinking about relating to teaching and education as a result of reading this website. It covers just about every aspect your life as a teacher no matter what the subject or level that you teach and about the system itself and about the students and anything else that you will have to deal with about teaching.
Many of the issues and topics are covered in no other place at all. They are things that occured to me as a teacher and they are things that most people don't write down but I did, and I'm going to share them with you get started thinking about your life as a teacher.
That's the difference between this website and other education documents or websites that you will read. This website is not prescriptive. It is not proscriptive. It is informative and I certainly expect it to be thought provoking.
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Keywords: Administration, Grossman, Teaching