Students in college classes sometimes bring their infants to class. They may wheel them in with a stroller or a carriage and they may even set up the vicinity in order to make their infant more comfortable.
There's a problem with this. Granted it is a fine idea to make the mother comfortable or the parent comfortable by allowing the parent to be able to bring the child to class.
On the other hand, a child attracts a great deal of attention. Not just from the parent but also from the surrounding students.
The child or the infant the baby often becomes the center of attention.
And therein lies the real problem.
The teacher is supposed to be the center of attention in the class(room), not the baby. When a baby comes to the class then the teacher is no longer the center of attention.
As a teacher I know that baby is always far more cute than I am and I am in a difficult position.
I'm no match for the infant.
I don't want an infant in my class because I want to be the center of attention and the focus of attention.
It's not that I'm jealous of the baby, although that is undoubtedly part of the issue.
It's just that I'm no competition for him.
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Keywords: Teaching, Tzumi,