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Some teachers who enter college classes make the mistake of believing that their students are mature.

They may have previously taught younger children and they do accept the fact that many of these younger children are immature. They therefore believe that since the students have now graduated from elementary and high school and perhaps taken other important steps in their lives as well, that they can be expected to be mature.

Not necessarily.

Sometimes the teachers are going to be in for a big surprise. It seems that these older students who are in college or in a university are not necessarily more mature than the younger children. They are simply different.

These are simply babies who have babies.

They may be subject to similar outbursts, similar needs, and more. They may need to be consoled or encouraged to do their work. They may have similar excuses for not doing their work or not wanting to do it. They may sulk or pout when they don't get their way. In some cases they do not know how to sit in class as you would expect an adult to sit for the duration of a class period. And in some cases they may even be subject to fits of crying when they don't get their way.

A teacher may wonder when these young adults or older adults will ever grow up if they haven't grown up by now.

Well, they just might never grow up.

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Keyword: Maturity