Did you ever notice how many specialized teaching programs opened up over the course of time? They charge a great deal of money to teach the same things that are taught in the high schools. They claim to be able to teach in a short time what students were not able to learn in a much longer time in regular classrooms.
What does that say about the regular schools, who are asked to teach the same students? In the standard school system they don't learn and in the other system where they pay high tuition they do learn and they do that without the specialized curriculums because they make up their own curriculum, learning methods, and everything else. The little schools with their specialized techniques do better than the entire educational system with all of their educational psychologists and research. Something must be wrong with the big system if the small system on a limited budget can do better.
This should raise some questions as well as some eyebrows.
We also need to study the opposite situation - in which the quality is too high to match the real world.
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Keywords: Method, Quality, Reality