Articles about education
Educational priorities
Real World

One of the things wrong with the system is the quality level. This issue differs from the other recommendations in this section. Here, we will criticize that quality that is too high.

That’s right. You didn’t read that statement incorrectly. It is not a typographical error.

Sometimes the quality is too high - and that’s a mistake.

Students of computers usually study at computers that work. That's the beginning of the problem with the system.

Schools make sure to have a technician on staff. If a student does not have a working computer, he learns to move to another computer that is working.

However, that's poor training for the real world. When that student goes out to work, he will have to use an available computer in his office. He will have no guarantee that that computer will be in perfect working condition. As he uses it, problems are likely to develop. Will his employer be willing to spend money on his salary while he waits for a technician to arrives? With today's constant problems of malware, there is almost a guarantee that he will face a stream of problems.

Would it not have been wiser let students sit at a computer for an entire year, if his computer breaks then the student learns how to deal with it. The same happens for any other profession that studied in the schools. Students sit by sewing machines. Students learn with sewing machines. They always have a perfect sewing machine and they learn about the different patterns to use and designs. What happens if the sewing machine breaks down? When that happens, the students simply go to a working sewing machine. The same story all over again. Strangely, even in the professions which are designed to work with the hands in order to construct things such as carpentry skills or electronic skills, the situation is the same. If the equipment breaks down the student simply picks up another machine which is working. It never occurs to the schools to have the students deal with the problem, either to find substitutes or alternatives or else to repair the machine. They simply learn how to replace that machine with a working one.

How in the world does this prepare them for the real world?

It doesn’t.

These students know how to work with perfect equipment which is not what they’re going to have. Oh, true, that is the goal and when the machine is new or when the machine has been repaired then it is okay.

What happens when the student is out in the field and the equipment is no longer working properly? The student is stuck. The student has to learn on his own how to deal with these problems.

Isn’t this issue at least as important as the training in the use of the equipment itself?

Look through some of the textbooks for any of these professions – sewing, computers, carpentry, electronics, or any other. Do those textbooks deal with how to deal with real life situations? Do they say what to do when the equipment is not functioning properly or malfunctioning? It’s rare indeed to find such literature.

That does not mean that there are no textbooks available on how to repair equipment. They do exist. However, that’s considered to be a separate, different, and distinct profession. It is as if two people will be attached to each job – the one to actually do the work and a separate one to repair it. Again, what happens out in the field when the equipment goes bad? How does that person repair or prepare the material the equipment? There’s something wrong with the guidance the direction of the school system.

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Keywords: Computers, Maintain, Quality, Reality, Sequence