What you see from there Have you ever witnessed a newsworthy event?
If so, then you know precisely what happened. You saw it yourself. If it was an important issue, then the scene may remain etched in your brain.
Did you then listen to the news on the radio or read about it in the newspapers? How correct was the information that was reported?
It is quite likely that the report suffered from a number of inaccuracies. If you have seen several newsworthy events, then you may note a trend: errors are to be expected in those reports. Some errors may have been insignificant, while others were quite substantial.
Ask some friends whether they had similar experiences. You are likely to find out that they, too, complained that the reported event differed from their own eyewitness account.
When you vote for a political figure, you base your decision on media reports such as the news on CNN. This is the very same sloppy media that falsified the events that you witnessed.
is different from
what you see from here
- Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
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